On cases like this, really the store needs to be publicly shammed. This means post the address and phone number and have multiple people call in to complain. It may only cause severe annoyance, but if enough people tie up their phone line for a week, that still affects their ability to run well.
makes you wanna steal it from the store
heh someone gave it to them so they deserve it

Wow. f*cking Wow. Lets advocate harassing or stealing from a charity because we disagree with their pricing structure! What a bunch of self-deserving pricks in this thread.
Is that high for Chrono Trigger? Sure. But I can assume whoever donated this item would far rather have Goodwill Industries get over fair-market value for this item, with the money going back into
actual charity, than to see one of you SCORE BIG TIME and the charity gets a measly $5 to help employ, train, and work with those in need of employment and workforce skills.
Yeah, its nice when you can score a cheap game at a charity shop. That, however, by no means ENTITLES you to get it for cheap. It also gives you no right to f*cking harass or steal from them.
I'm glad your need for cheap Chrono Trigger outweighs the needs of "people who have a disability, lack education or job experience, or face employment challenges. "