Its the academic style. If you don't reference what you are saying, you could just being making stuff up. No one can "prove" a point on their own, you need outside references.
Academic, you say? That's interesting:
Ten seconds of research shows you pulled a bunch of shit out of your morbidly-obese ass.
Yes. Because this is clearly how academics discuss things!
I can see it now: "Professor, I disagree with your hypothesis about string theory!"
Yeah. That's how science works.
Now, moving along here:
If I shop at a Goodwill store, will I be depriving disadvantaged people of stuff they need?
No. Goodwill serves disadvantaged people by educating, training and placing them into jobs. By becoming gainfully employed, these individuals gain resources to buy the things they need. Many disadvantaged people who are in training or are employed by Goodwill Industries are offered vouchers or discounts at Goodwill retail stores.
You see that voucher/discount thing? Employees take advantage of that, buy things, and resell. It's like creating your own raise. You have to understand that some people are disadvantaged because they make poor life choices and are shady. That's how they got where they are. Not ALL people are like this. Some are. Goodwill, and most thrift stores, employ both kinds.
The rise of eBay and online sales has resulted in places like Goodwill now having online auctions. They use that as their price maker instead of just having generic pricing schemes that they made up on a computer in the back room and printed out and taped to the wall.
You used to be able to get games for 2$ regardless of what they were. I got a sealed Ultima VII for DOS. 5$. I didn't resell it. I opened the f*cker up and stared at the cloth map and installed that shit.
They have employees wheelin' and dealin' all the retro stuff right out of the back because it's the "in thing" now and they have first dibs on all of it.
I got someone fired from a thrift store, and made some people I went to highschool with look like a bunch of total f*ck ups because of this.
It's story time:
I know two people who are "vintage game collectors". Read: They buy things, have no clue about any of it, don't play any of it, and then use eBay to price/resell the stuff for money. That's it. It's strictly for money. Morons.
Then, they wonder why I make fun of them when they start with the inept knowledge on the subject. Confusing Amiga and Atari computers is hilariously pathetic if you claim to be a collector.
Well, anyway, they have a friend who worked at a local thrift shop. He called them up and was like yo, there's some legit items here. I can hold them from going on the floor and sell them to you before they are processed (Read: I will steal these from the store, sell them to you out of the back door, and pocket all of the money).
So they post this on Facebook (they almost always post their finds to brag about, which I then have to correct them on since they never have their information right), like total winners. It was like a moral dilemma:
"Should we buy all these sweet old consoles cheap straight from our friend, or wait for them to hit the floor and buy them the fair way, but at a higher price?! Anyone have any advice?"
I said "How can you honestly debate this? Should you steal from charity and promote employee theft OR should you be a legitimate customer? Are you that stupid?"
Then I screenshotted it all and laughed my ass off.
It was really stupid. How anyone could actually question that is beyond me. You'd have to be a real pile of shit to do that. When you selfishly put your own side-money maker ahead of charity, you suck at life and should never go outside, ever.
Not to mention, those people are hosing charity AND f*cking up the game collection stuff for those of us that actually play and enjoy the stuff.
I can't get an Apple IIe at a fair price because Steve Jobs died and it's cool for all the hipster retards to sell the stuff for $$$$$s in honor of their fallen cult leader.
Finally, oh teh noes! People on the interwebs filing "complaints!"
I should note, NONE of your pathetic, poorly-researched arguments somehow make it morally-right to harass a charity.
It's morally right to harass anything that is doing shady shit. Many thrift stores now employee shady practices because the people employed are shady. Because they're regional, these sort of things can slip throuh the cracks.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to get a charity back on track.
I mean, what if the charity was stealing from Walmart and reselling everything cheaper "for chairty"?
Some things need to be pressed to be fixed.
You fail, FattyFatterson. Maybe you could spend ten seconds between shoveling cheetos into your mouth to do research. Or, go back to punching bell-ringing Santas because they annoy you... if you can get out of your rascal scooter.
How about you come back when you want to try getting your shitty point across without using fat-jokes that a 3rd grader doesn't even find funny?