I know what Bernie isn't playing.
Bernie's curse has apparently been transferred to me.

Last weekend I went up to Bernie's for a quick visit before I move 1K miles away to the Kansas City, MO area. We're all about the OBEY. we were checking out home brews, translations, all sorts of random stuff.
We did a bunch of co-op. Dungeon Explorer is still better as a co-op game. (don't pick the Elf - he sucks) Bonk 3... WTF!? It's basically unplayable unless both players have already memorized the game. There are areas that, as far as we experienced, were unpassable playing co-op. Lots of fun, in a crazy, "let's turn this off and got drink beer" sort of way. :/
But then the unthinkable happened. Bernie wanted to show me Vasteel since I mentioned I'd never played it before. Groovy, I thought.
We start it up and it tells us that there isn't enough space for a save file - overwrite? Of course we selected "No". Then I played the game for awhile (great game, but much more challenging than Military Madness at the start - and what's with that elevator music!?).
I don't remember exactly what happened next, but we soon realized that Vasteel had messed up the internal saves. So we tried to come up with a hucard that had the ability to delete specific files.
To make a short story long, all of his saves were wiped. So apparently the curse has found a new host.