Having easy, efficient, and accurate scripts for the Xanadus is a major plus.
Also, it's funny to look back on some of my updates in this thread and see numbers like "30 minutes" and "90 minutes". I'm doing 4+ hours a day on Xanadu I at the moment. On the craziest days, it's more like 8. I can't say I would want to put in that kind of time looking at incomplete, messy, and otherwise inelegant script dumps like we have for Anearth here.
I shouldn't have been all "Gimme, gimme, gimme" to Esperknight, and rather should have patiently pushed through all the steps to get one really nice script. Although on the other hand, as much as I like the guy, I'm afraid progress might have gone dormant without a single word being translated if I had asked him to get that far before doing anything myself.
We'll see what happens when the project resumes.