Author Topic: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ...::: SOLD :::...  (Read 4894 times)


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #120 on: March 28, 2013, 08:11:13 PM »

That's the second time you make a PM public. I told you I didn't like that, that's why they're called PRIVATE messages. Also, I'm not interested in meeting strangers... this isn't Craigslist. For those two reasons I have to say NO DEAL.


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #121 on: March 28, 2013, 08:52:43 PM »
"This is even better than I imagined!" - Makunga


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SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #122 on: March 28, 2013, 10:32:51 PM »

That's the second time you make a PM public. I told you I didn't like that, that's why they're called PRIVATE messages. Also, I'm not interested in meeting strangers... this isn't Craigslist. For those two reasons I have to say NO DEAL.

Why don't you take your game and go to ebay. Very few people here are going to pay your ridiculous price or with your even more ridiculous method of transaction. $325 what a complete joke.

If anyone sends this ass your money, you deserve to be scammed. I usually try not to get too overly involved with threads like this, but this one is just too good to pass up.

As an update to my earlier post, he is "supposed" (notice the quotes) to email me a list with prices today. Don't expect the usual PCEFX pricing for games, but I've done business and sent many customers his way for the past 8 years so I usually get really good deals from him. Heading up to his shop Sunday to hopefully pick up my goods and if he does his job today, some goodies for some of you guys as well. Keep your fingers crossed.


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #123 on: March 29, 2013, 01:50:32 AM »

That's the second time you make a PM public. I told you I didn't like that, that's why they're called PRIVATE messages. Also, I'm not interested in actually selling this game... this is PCEFX and you all have caught on to my bullshit and lies. For those reasons I have to say NO DEALS.

All is well. :)


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #124 on: March 29, 2013, 01:57:41 AM »

That's the second time you make a PM public. I told you I didn't like that, that's why they're called PRIVATE messages. Also, I'm not interested in meeting strangers... this isn't Craigslist. For those two reasons I have to say NO DEAL.

Why would you have a problem with someone picking up the goods in person. People do it all the time on forum related local purchases. More excuses basically ehh? So why don't you piss off already then, because it seems like your line of potential victims customers surely is not going to pan out? Hoping against hope after 8 pages of people ragging on you that you will be able to rip someone off still?

Also, btw, just because it is a PM does not guarantee you the right to it staying private. You have no rights here concerning the such. No one here is bound by any NDA, CA, or CDA. You are not entitled to anything, and no one owes you or anyone else any bit of privacy concerning messages back and forth to them, so get over yourself already and f*ck off.


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #125 on: March 29, 2013, 02:29:07 AM »
Ohh no i did this on purpose twice !!!! :x.

Whichs more stranger. 

Walking to the grocery store and little girl with a mother walking to you and trying sell you girl scout..

Compared to this

Meet on forum and learn who we are. Review others feedback from others. Once thread set good feedbacks about us.  We get business done.

Mentioning stranger

A person comes in house and claiming he has porsche and sending picture of bonk riding porsche and its for sale.  P.s. he cant give name, location , any friend who he know or business friend he know who can vouch for him. Hes worry about everyone in house is being stranger and still not understand why he came inside.


Hey i have an best idea if you are being so concern about being robbed! How about this

Lets meet in person in police station. Name one police station that you had alway go to. (Hope its good ) :). So u have your backup (police) making sure your deals go through good?

Thanks bud



That's the second time you make a PM public. I told you I didn't like that, that's why they're called PRIVATE messages. Also, I'm not interested in meeting strangers... this isn't Craigslist. For those two reasons I have to say NO DEAL.
Arcade Line Up: UDOT, Multi-Vector Duel, Tempest Multi, Mini-Galaga, Z-Hyperspin, X360 Blast City, Spiderman Pin, 96 in 1 PacMan


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #126 on: March 29, 2013, 02:30:09 AM »
Gotta say Ivan, this is starting to look more and more like a scam.  You won't accept PayPal, you wont ship first, you wont accept two payments one before and one afterwards, and now you won't meet in person because you don't want to meet strangers?  Um... what exactly are you expecting from us?  You are a total stranger, yet you want someone to wire you over $300.00, and trust that you do what you say you will do?  Not asking for too much are you?  Sorry dude, I tried my best to give you the benefit of the doubt, but it looks like you seem to be trying to screw someone over.  There really is NO reason to not have accepted any one of the many offers of payment, no good reason anyway..  May as well do one of two things.  Either sign out and never come back here, OR...stick around to build some rep and TRUST, then try selling your supposed Bonk 3.  I am starting to believe you were trying to scam someone, and you gotta admit yourself, that is what it seems like. 


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #127 on: March 29, 2013, 02:34:06 AM »
I don't think there is any way for someone to sell a high profile turbo item without a shitstorm of replies on this forum anymore. Thank god I only go for PCE stuff these days.
(19:28:25) GE0: superdead told me in whisper that his favorite game is mario paint


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #128 on: March 29, 2013, 02:38:45 AM »
I have better idea. How about i give you my family address in houston. He has 4,000 sq ft house. One of nicest house in houston (kinda mini manison). Im happy to give them $400 dollars and u come to their house and they will give u $400 cash and u give them game

Simple as this or meet at police station, So no street involve .  It works for me. Cya


Ohh no i did this on purpose twice !!!! :x.

Whichs more stranger.  

Walking to the grocery store and little girl with a mother walking to you and trying sell you girl scout..

Compared to this

Meet on forum and learn who we are. Review others feedback from others. Once thread set good feedbacks about us.  We get business done.

Mentioning stranger

A person comes in house and claiming he has porsche and sending picture of bonk riding porsche and its for sale.  P.s. he cant give name, location , any friend who he know or business friend he know who can vouch for him. Hes worry about everyone in house is being stranger and still not understand why he came inside.


Hey i have an best idea if you are being so concern about being robbed! How about this

Lets meet in person in police station. Name one police station that you had alway go to. (Hope its good ) :). So u have your backup (police) making sure your deals go through good?

Thanks bud



That's the second time you make a PM public. I told you I didn't like that, that's why they're called PRIVATE messages. Also, I'm not interested in meeting strangers... this isn't Craigslist. For those two reasons I have to say NO DEAL.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 02:42:10 AM by wmacmonagle »
Arcade Line Up: UDOT, Multi-Vector Duel, Tempest Multi, Mini-Galaga, Z-Hyperspin, X360 Blast City, Spiderman Pin, 96 in 1 PacMan


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #129 on: March 29, 2013, 02:38:48 AM »
I don't think there is any way for someone to sell a high profile turbo item without a shitstorm of replies on this forum anymore. Thank god I only go for PCE stuff these days.

For me it wasn't the price Ela, it's the method..  :)


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #130 on: March 29, 2013, 02:40:56 AM »

Simple as this.  Meet in person, dealt with paypal, or sign out and never come back like bernie said.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 03:38:17 AM by wmacmonagle »
Arcade Line Up: UDOT, Multi-Vector Duel, Tempest Multi, Mini-Galaga, Z-Hyperspin, X360 Blast City, Spiderman Pin, 96 in 1 PacMan


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #131 on: March 29, 2013, 03:52:06 AM »

Simple as this.  Meet in person, dealt with paypal, or sign out and never come back like bernie said.

That is not what I said...  I said
Either sign out and never come back here, OR...stick around to build some rep and TRUST, then try selling your supposed Bonk 3.

If you are gonna quote someone, do it correctly.   :wink:


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #132 on: March 29, 2013, 04:38:28 AM »

Here is honest mistake.  My bad, dude!! =)

cya bud



Simple as this.  Meet in person, dealt with paypal, or sign out and never come back like bernie said.

That is not what I said...  I said
Either sign out and never come back here, OR...stick around to build some rep and TRUST, then try selling your supposed Bonk 3.

If you are gonna quote someone, do it correctly.   :wink:
Arcade Line Up: UDOT, Multi-Vector Duel, Tempest Multi, Mini-Galaga, Z-Hyperspin, X360 Blast City, Spiderman Pin, 96 in 1 PacMan


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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #133 on: March 29, 2013, 05:14:00 AM »
I have better idea. How about i give you my family address in houston. He has 4,000 sq ft house. One of nicest house in houston (kinda mini manison). Im happy to give them $400 dollars and u come to their house and they will give u $400 cash and u give them game

There you go, OP.  If you aren't a scammer, you should be all over that deal.  $75 more than you asked him for, and you don't even have to wait for the money.  Wmacmonagle is a personal friend of mine (local to me) and is good people.  You certainly don't need to worry about meeting him or his family.  If you don't go for this deal, then I don't see how this can be anything but a scam.



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Re: Bonk 3 [SCD] For Sale (New) ** Photos added **
« Reply #134 on: March 29, 2013, 05:19:59 AM »
I don't think there is any way for someone to sell a high profile turbo item without a shitstorm of replies on this forum anymore. Thank god I only go for PCE stuff these days.

In this case it just reeks of scam, pretty obvious ;)
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