Author Topic: Game-ending glitch in Cadash?  (Read 172 times)


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Game-ending glitch in Cadash?
« on: March 27, 2013, 11:01:06 AM »
Well, a couple of weeks ago, I invited my sister over to indoctrinate her in the glories of Turbo some more, and knowing that she likes RPG games, I decided that the evening was going to be a Cadash evening.  We played, and she got right into it, with her playing the mage, and me playing the fighter.  Later we figured out that we should have switched characters, because she kept dying on a fairly regular basis as a result of the mage's lower defense.  We pressed onward through the night fighting hard and winning many glorious battle with foes beyond our imagination.  Finally, we arrived at the final town which had lost so many of its residents to the monsters, and had even had many of the residents hanged or turned into zombies by the evil one.  Finding the faithful dog waiting so patiently for his master, Abel, we pressed on to find Abel's widow.  (Here's where it gets heartbreaking.)  I march my character into the house to speak with Abel's widow about the need for Abel's pendant with which to be able to speak with his faithful canine companion.  My sister's character, being tired from the lengthy journey and many deaths/resurrections simply lingered just inside the door to the house.  After speaking with the widow, she agreed to give us the magical pendant which had been in the ceiling the entire time.  As the pendant descended to the floor, my sister's character nervously twitched and fell out of the house.  Well, my character was so concerned that he rushed outside with no regard for the pendant.  After regrouping outside, we went back into the house, only to find no pendant on the floor, and the goodwife exclaiming that she had already given it to us.  This presented us with a quandary.  We knew that some evil bandits had the magical flute which tames flames, and we had to have that flute so as to be able to cross the flames and reach the evil overlord's castle, but we couldn't find the bandits hideout.  Try as we may, the secret entrance to their cave eluded us time and time again no matter how many times that we retraced our steps.  We felt that the dog could track them down, but without the pendant, we had no way with which to communicate with him.  Also, there were no other sources of magical speak-with-animals pendants anywhere in the world to be found.  We became strong with the experience of using our battle skills again and again as we treked throughout the land speaking with anyone and everyone, searching for either the bandits, or for the lost pendant, or for another similar pendant to no avail.  The monsters quailed at the sound of our footsteps, and the resurrection priests questioned after why we longer availed ourselves of their services, but we had grown so strong, we surmised that even the mighty overlord would surrender to us without a fight if we could only find a way across the flames to challenge his might......

What actually happened was that I spoke with Abel's widow, and right after the pendant started floating down from the ceiling, but before I could walk over to pick it up, my sister accidentally pushed right on her directional pad, which instantly took both of us outside, and when I went back in, the pendant was gone, and the widow had already changed her words over to what she says after giving away the pendant, and there was no way for me to re-trigger the event.  After trying several different things, we finally had to just kill ourselves.  I tried to do the continue trick, which I had never tried before, but I couldn't get it to work.  So we ended up with playing the game for a couple of hours or so, but without being able to beat it.  :(

Has anyone else ever experienced this glitch, and/or does anyone know if there is a way around this glitch?


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Re: Game-ending glitch in Cadash?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2013, 03:28:14 PM »
Has anyone else ever experienced this glitch, and/or does anyone know if there is a way around this glitch?

Don't play games with women, they just can't figure it out.

You deserve that response because I read through that whole first paragraph.


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Re: Game-ending glitch in Cadash?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2013, 03:35:06 AM »
I thoroughly enjoyed reading of your frustrating experience playing Cadash.

There is, indeed, a way to re-trigger important events: Go to the Altar of SSABMUD (the entrance to the Altar is beneath the third bedpan in Abel's house). Kneel before the altar, with sword in hand (if you are the fighter), and swiftly sacrifice the mage to the Lord of SSABMUD.

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Re: Game-ending glitch in Cadash?
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2013, 06:40:07 AM »
Has anyone else ever experienced this glitch, and/or does anyone know if there is a way around this glitch?

Don't play games with women, they just can't figure it out.

Wise words. Cadash is more demanding then the Sims.