Here are the numbers so far ....
I received about 50 pre-orders. (and the pre-order page will be open for a few more days). 70% have been shipped at this point -- I have tracking numbers, but felt it was more important to get more orders out than enter the numbers in paypal. Those numbers will be entered later, but you'll probably already have your CDs by then.
The last batch of domestic pre-orders (10) will go out on Monday or Tuesday, then the final batch of pre-orders (the international ones) will go out later in the week. The latter ones need to go to a real post office, and not a satellite branch like I have been using.
US orders have been from all over: CA and NC have the most (with 3 each). International orders have come from Canada, Spain and France. Once the pre0orders are taken care of, I will download all the orders and make a google map to show where the orders were shipped to. I will only use zip codes and not addresses.
I actually ran out of shipping envelopes, so 2 orders still have to be packaged up. When your order is packaged up you get the "In Process" notice.
I also had to up the shipping costs via paypal since they were basically at a break even point for some, and a losing point for others. Why it costs $2.75 for 2 CDs to ship, but $5.85 for 4 is beyond me. Oh well, just another discount that folks who ordered early got to take advantage of.
I also found a case of old MB cases (no CDs), so if anyone really wants a white tray to replace the clear one, they will be available soon.