I was looking for this thread earlier, since this disc/magazine was not purchased.
So my homie David Shadoff was kind enough to donate (in the name of CD science!) an extra copy of a magazine, the "Super PC Engine Fan Deluxe - Vol.1." Photos below.
Inside, there is a pack-in PC-FX CD on a cardboard page of what I wanted, and on the back side, there's another CD, the "Develo Magazine Vol. 1" that contains demos for Popful Mail, Fray CD Xak Gaiden and Assembly/Basic-developed games, along with development tools, etc.
I just wanted the Special PC-FX CD bonus because its CD structure is unique in that it uses 5 or so indexes on data track #5 and I want to study/work with it to implement/perfect TurboRip's lacking track analysis phase, but he decided to throw in the whole magazine which, hey, is a cool PCE time warp to boot!
Before this, I asked SamIAm to see if he could find the CD in Japan which was silly to do first because David had originally discovered the uniqueness of this CD's indexing and gave me a CloneCD image long time ago, plus sometimes he winds up with duplicates, so I asked him next and turned out he did indeed have an extra he was willing to part with, so that's how I wound up with it!!!
This is the magazine's "Witch on a broom" cover page: