We picked up a TG-16 around Christmas time in 91. We had it for a couple years before the video started to fail. I eventually took it outside and stomped the shit out it out of anger. Thinking back, I regretted doing that as the booster with have solved my problem. I still remember where we picked up some of the games. I bought Aero Blasters and Andre Panza Kickboxing from toys'r us. Bought splatter house, china warrior, legendary axe and both bonk's from a guy in our neighborhood for $10 each. Sinistron, r-type and space harrier from the flea market. Ninja spirit, dungeon explorer, turbo tab and a couple of turbo pads from a classmate. And finally Super Star Soldier from a pawn shop. We also got the VHS promo for lords of thunder. We watched the hell out of it.