I was getting ready to play some Lords of Thunder this morning with my IFU/PCE setup, my preferred choice lately, and the disc just spins at the opening screen. So I decided to open up the cd-rom2 to see if the gears are ok as the gears are all original. No gears wear broken & they were moving freely. I then tested the cd-rom2 undocked with an audio CD and it loads and play fine. I then tested the ifu/pce with my tgcd and the same issues, cd just spins. At this point I thought the arcade card pro is failing but then I tested both cd-rom2 units and the arcade card pro on the tg16 & dock combo and both works fine. When I tried docking the PCE-LT in the IFU, the cd loads find. In conclusion, the cd-rom2 won't load with my pce but loads fine with my PCE-LT. Any body ever came across this before ? My PCE is region modded and plays both USA & Japanese Hucards just fine.