We have a winner!
Congratulations, esteban! PM me your address, and I'll send it out.
Well, I don't think that I've yet done a raffle this year, so I figured it's time to do my civic duty.
I have a
Rom2 Karaoke Volume 3 which is up for raffle.
Note: I swiped the white CD holder part of the jewel case for a loosie PC Engine CD game, so this one comes in a standard black one.
1. Minimum post count: 42 posts by the end of the raffle.
2. You won't flip it for $ in 2013.
3. Raffle ends Wednesday, May 8 at midnight, but if I don't get to it right away, then I reserve the right to add others if I feel like it. Drawing will be at random the next day.
4. If a minimum of 5 raffle participants have not signed up by the end of the raffle, then the raffle may be extended one week.
5. I will mail this to anyone in the U.S. at my expense, but anyone else will be expected to assist in the shipping costs a little.
6. Anyone who signs up who has 1,000+ posts will receive an additional 'raffle ticket'. (Thanks to all of the 'oldtimers'.)
7. No morons or trolls allowed.
Apparently, this disk also has 3 mini-games as well:
I fiddled with the three games:
Bingo just seems to be a random number generator, but maybe it's supposed to be a multi-player game?
The middle one seems to be a one to five-player game of "Memory".
Cockroach seems to be a 5-player game of bounce-around-the-room-until-somebody-eats-the-white-dot?
Entrants below:
Necromancer - x2
Aggie Tsubi
Opethian - x2
PunkicCyborg - x2
esteban - x2
_joshuaTurbo - x2