I've been wondering about this for a while.
I've managed to find some bits and pieces to the puzzle, but have yet to find a comprehensive chart, or list.
Can you guys help me fill in any missing info, and correct any errors, in the following?
EXT Port Pin-out Pictures are from:
www.gamesx.com/misctech/pcebp.phpThere's higher quality versions of those pictures there, and additional information.
The Perimeter of the Socket for the EXT Port [Type A] on USA Systems, is different than Japanese systems.
However, the pin-out is the same.
Systems without an EXT Port, and the Shuttle, can be modded for RGB and A/V out, internally.
All RGB Mods require the addition of extra stuff, that's written about, at length, in other threads.
EDIT 5-4-2013: Added "Yes" to DIN-Style A/V Port of the PCE Duo-RX.
Thanks, SignOfZeta.EDIT 5-7-2013: Added RF Info, thanks to soop and turbokon.