Lol,sure it is,he said he is from the Neo forums (incase you missed it thats Kurtz and Deans playground) which is why the joke was made,more or less directed at Dean,not in any way directed at the new member here.
Stop whining or in all fairness go whine to Dean for being a "tattletale" of sorts trying to rally people for his cause like he did with Kurtz with his crappy encoders.
That or just chill out. The Bubblegum Gang is my reference to anyone who joins here for the sole,and I do mean sole,reason of taking up for Dean,with no real interest in PcEngine games,hardware,ect.... This is why I said Im glad to see he is not a member of the Bubblegum Gang. He actually joined to try to get into the PcEngine scene,get games,ect,which is great,cause this place needs fresh new faces.
I gave the auction thing a thought over btw.You never gave specifics on price,how much youd need,or anything. Was no one else around here interested?
As for the West Exit guy Superfamifreak,you should email him for specific stuff.Place a request of some kind with him.
You have another option games wise at least,and thats Toshi at DreamStage Jp or DreamStar or whatever name his store uses these days on ebay.
He had the lowest prices on hu-cards I had ever seen,and the selection was really good.
Someone else here prob knows what name his store uses now.
Hardware wise I dont know,you will just have to hit ebay if West Exit cant help you.