Hey Everyone,
I've been on a Strider kick lately. Because I was bored, I decided to make this comparison. Enjoy!
Grand Master Meio=Emperor Palpatine
Solo=Bobo Fett (true fact)
Third Moon=Death Star
Flying Battleship Balrog=Imperial Starship
Light Cypher=Light Saber
Amazon=Endor (even has natives)
Exclusive Desert=Tatooine?
Order of Striders=Order of Jedi
Identical Soldiers=Clone Troopers?
Ant-Lion Boss=Sarlacc (true for Star Wars, don't know about here...)
Droid Helpers=RD-D2!!
Communist Leader=Darth Vader (right-hand man to Meio, helps lead the Communist Empire)
Maybe there are more, this comparison was made for fun. Take it or leave it.