Will this work on the PCE? If so, sign me up!
Adding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Random.org results on the attached PDF.Congratulations Duo_R, please PM me.------------------------------------------------------------------------------For raffle, an authentic Gameofyou flash HuCard s/n 058.Entry requirements are 99+ posts by the time of the raffle (they cannot be mostly in the Sales/Trade subforums) and not having already a Turbob flash cart (Neo, TED, etc).Punchypedros get two tickets. Three tickets if you have 5000+ posts and four tickets if you have 8000+ posts.If the winner gets tired of it, I ask you re-raffle it back to the PCEFX community.The raffle will happen on May 31st, last day to enter the raffle is May 30th.The card was recently repaired by Gameofyou and he will be shipping it to the winner.Non US participants are welcome, but you'll have to cover the shipping costs.----------------Participants list:xelement5xjelloslugDuo_RDuo_Rgalamgalam_joshuaTurbo_joshuaTurboturboswimbzturboswimbzVenomMacbethMrFlutterPiePunkicCyborgPunkicCyborgbartrebartremrhaboobirrob78fraggorejlued686jlued686NandoNandosoopsoopMarllchany60126csgx1BigusSchmuckBigusSchmuckseieienbuAggie TsubiwmacmonagleElSevenKeranuKeranuKeranuKeranumunchiazThe Old RoverThe Old RoverCPTRAVEBardolyBardolyDamon Plus