Looks like it turned out as intended. 
Just needed a minor pixel tweak at the top... piece of cake.

Game looks awesome!! The inclusion of co-op is the best part, there isn't enough co-op shooters on the TG16. Will there be any balancing or changing of the patterns with 2 players, or is it just additional firepower for the players?
The levels stay the same, but the difficulty of the bosses is ramped up when there's 2 players. Having 2 players is still an advantage though, mainly for some of the secrets. I'm not going to give too much away (they're secrets after all!), but one of the features of the game is scoring extra points for rapid kills without being hit. So-called "rush attacks" boost your score significantly, and are required to master if you want 100% completion on all the unlockables and achievements. Having 2 players at once increases your chances of pulling it off, as long as neither player is hit; being hit breaks the counter, and kills are never counted during the temporary invincibility time.