Author Topic: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison  (Read 12070 times)


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #285 on: June 07, 2013, 03:50:55 AM »
I once argued that I thought loose moderation was the way to go, but we have NO moderation around here, which is MUCH different. Too bad that with the crowd here any mod would have to have 6" thick solid steel skin.
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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #286 on: June 07, 2013, 04:02:34 AM »
f*ck this douchebag.  He's clearly in the wrong and if we had mods (my kingdom for a nat!), he would've been shown the door by now.

Send Joe a pm or something if you want. Joe can get rid of him if he really cares to. The whole lying about sellers bit as is should warrant it, if not the other mess. BTW, my friend got him banned again off the Neo forums. Did not take long at all.


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #287 on: June 07, 2013, 04:49:02 AM »
I don't understand the whole "I didn't buy it on Ebay" tack. If he found out about the goods on eBay, then it was clearly the eBay description that gave him the information that convinced him he wanted those goods. All the info he needed was in the eBay posting. It wasn't your responsibility to basically repeat all the exact same info you'd already put up on eBay just because he wanted to buy the stuff outside of eBay. The point is, all the necessary information was available, and he clearly used that information to make his decision. There wasn't any relevant information that you failed to make available. He's basically pissing into the wind at this point.

And yeah, after reading that other info it is clear that this dude's modus operandi is to act like he knows all, and when confronted, simply resort to trolling. He's on the internet for attention and that's it. Doesn't matter how many people he drags in or forums he bogs down. Sure, there are lots of selfish and self-centered people on the internet, but this guy is a scrotal abomination.
<a href="" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">My meager PC Engine Collection so far.</a><br><a href="" class="bbc_link" target="_blank">PC Engine Software Bible</a><br><a href="" c


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #288 on: June 07, 2013, 05:28:10 AM »
I'm waiting for Matthew to do a video like this classic cry fest:

Guess just banning him wasn't enough, they marked him.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 06:30:48 AM by ProfessorProfessorson »


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #289 on: June 07, 2013, 10:50:33 AM »

STATUS: I have literally been stuck in the hell of this thread for days and days.

I think I can finally say, with confidence, that I have finished catching up on this thread.

Sadly, you may think I have been reading the other threads and catching up on all the current news...I HAVE NOT.


I am a masochist. But,soon, I will read beyond these walls.

I will.
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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #290 on: June 07, 2013, 10:53:27 AM »
this belongs in the hall of shame
(19:28:25) GE0: superdead told me in whisper that his favorite game is mario paint


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #291 on: June 07, 2013, 02:41:35 PM »
But to the very Top!!
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games coundown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #292 on: June 07, 2013, 04:52:31 PM »

STATUS: I am embarking on my journey beyond this thread.

I won't lie to you: I am scared.

I am not sure what lies ahead of me, but I trust it will be Worthy.

Pray for my soul, heathens.

Pray for my soul.
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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #293 on: June 07, 2013, 05:56:05 PM »
f*ck this douchebag.  He's clearly in the wrong and if we had mods (my kingdom for a nat!), he would've been shown the door by now.

Send Joe a pm or something if you want. Joe can get rid of him if he really cares to. The whole lying about sellers bit as is should warrant it, if not the other mess. BTW, my friend got him banned again off the Neo forums. Did not take long at all.

Lie?  My word Michael your story telling has grown.  You already admitted that you sent me water logged games, you already blamed me for not asking you, it’s right there for people to read.  You just got caught is all and now your pissed.  You are also pissed about how I handle your Duo R.  You know what you did.

I don't understand the whole "I didn't buy it on Ebay" tack. If he found out about the goods on eBay, then it was clearly the eBay description that gave him the information that convinced him he wanted those goods. All the info he needed was in the eBay posting. It wasn't your responsibility to basically repeat all the exact same info you'd already put up on eBay just because he wanted to buy the stuff outside of eBay. The point is, all the necessary information was available, and he clearly used that information to make his decision. There wasn't any relevant information that you failed to make available. He's basically pissing into the wind at this point.

And yeah, after reading that other info it is clear that this dude's modus operandi is to act like he knows all, and when confronted, simply resort to trolling. He's on the internet for attention and that's it. Doesn't matter how many people he drags in or forums he bogs down. Sure, there are lots of selfish and self-centered people on the internet, but this guy is a scrotal abomination.

Well he keeps stating eBay standards and practices, like what is an acceptable game or not.  I point out it wasn’t an ebay sale and Michael posts that it is “Acceptable” according to eBay.  That is my main gripe.  I am not a know it all, far from it, but I love to point out people who think they do.  That said it wass a private sale, and IF I sold you some games privately, and stated them as “Acceptable” and when you got them and found that they had at some point been under water, what would be your serious response to me if I stated that the condition was acceptable according to ebay, it’s not my fault take it up with the previous owner?

That is all I am saying.

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #294 on: June 07, 2013, 05:59:43 PM »
crying and stuff....

This is basically being discussed in your other thread. You prob didn't get the memo since you were too busy making a new Neo forums account to sneak back in with. You should check the other thread pedobrah.


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #295 on: June 07, 2013, 06:22:07 PM »
crying and stuff....

This is basically being discussed in your other thread. You prob didn't get the memo since you were too busy making a new Neo forums account to sneak back in with. You should check the other thread pedobrah.

The only crying from what I have been hearing is from you and not being able to keep a woman.  All our info is online bro, jobs, titles,  We can keep going.  All my stuff is up there, My real name is up there on youtube and twitter.  IDK why you keep acting like you find stuff when it is out there, I'd focus more on the house you keep, my house is in order.

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #296 on: June 07, 2013, 06:59:50 PM »
crying and stuff....

This is basically being discussed in your other thread. You prob didn't get the memo since you were too busy making a new Neo forums account to sneak back in with. You should check the other thread pedobrah.
rehashing of deadman_94s material

Didn't you do this on the other thread already?


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #297 on: June 07, 2013, 07:10:47 PM »
crying and stuff....

This is basically being discussed in your other thread. You prob didn't get the memo since you were too busy making a new Neo forums account to sneak back in with. You should check the other thread pedobrah.
rehashing of deadman_94s material

Didn't you do this on the other thread already?

Dude I don't f*cking know just bash me in the other thread I'm so confused.  Who the f*ck is deanman 94?  Why do you have so many internet battles with people and assume I know them?  How long has this been going on? The world is not out to get you!!! You just have all these issues with people?  Anger dude, right or wrong anger is causing you a lot of issues and money.

« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 07:16:47 PM by EvilEvoIX »

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #298 on: June 07, 2013, 07:32:34 PM »
crying and stuff....

This is basically being discussed in your other thread. You prob didn't get the memo since you were too busy making a new Neo forums account to sneak back in with. You should check the other thread pedobrah.
rehashing of deadman_94s material

Didn't you do this on the other thread already?

Dude I don't f*cking know just bash me in the other thread I'm so confused.  Who the f*ck is deanman 94?  Why do you have so many internet battles with people and assume I know them?  How long has this been going on? The world is not out to get you!!! You just have all these issues with people?  Anger dude, right or wrong anger is causing you a lot of issues and money.

The guy from the same raffle you were also banished from. Even if you're not ripping that guy off directly, it still shows how unoriginal you are. For trying to be a forum troll, that makes you pretty bottom rung when you sound like a repeat of last weeks loser.


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Re: Md 68k and hu6280 comparison
« Reply #299 on: June 07, 2013, 07:35:30 PM »
crying and stuff....

This is basically being discussed in your other thread. You prob didn't get the memo since you were too busy making a new Neo forums account to sneak back in with. You should check the other thread pedobrah.
rehashing of deadman_94s material

Didn't you do this on the other thread already?

Dude I don't f*cking know just bash me in the other thread I'm so confused.  Who the f*ck is deanman 94?  Why do you have so many internet battles with people and assume I know them?  How long has this been going on? The world is not out to get you!!! You just have all these issues with people?  Anger dude, right or wrong anger is causing you a lot of issues and money.

The guy from the same raffle you were also banished from. Even if you're not ripping that guy off directly, it still shows how unoriginal you are. For trying to be a forum troll, that makes you pretty bottom rung when you sound like a repeat of last weeks loser.

I'm not trying to be anything, seriously it's all in your head.  You have this pre packaged rant in you head and apply it to anyone who pisses off, me, the long list of names you can rattle off without a hint of hesitation (holding many grudges), and your wife.  Again, bash me all you want, keep loved ones close.

Quote from: ProfessorProfessorson
I already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so f*ck him, and his cunt wife.