Yeah I spent a lot of money the other day but it was certainly worth it.
Sylphia is one awesome shooter, the early backgrounds are a bit bland, but they do get better and the general asthetics are great. The aquaduct and Leaning Tower levels are a total blast. I also adore that dark, almost mournful soundtrack! Only problem is the game is a bit easy, I one-credited it my second try on Normal. Thankfully though there is also a Hard, and Super Hard mode (haven't tried these yet).
Magical Chase is one pretty little game. The colors are so bright! Postioning your "stars" where you want them takes a bit of getting used to, but its not a bad thing. The game feels a bit unbalenced though, most of the game ain't too tough, but that goblin king just utterly destroys me every time.
In the end though, these were certainly worth the money, they look quite nice on the shelf next to Sapphire