Does anybody have a good travel case suggestion for a TE and about 6 hueys? I'm kind of OCD about having my stuff well protected and compact when traveling.
Hahahhaha. You'll laugh when you read my suggestions. I'm not joking though, which is sad
I'm very careful with all my stuff, but I never got around to buying a hardcase for my I used to keep it in a lunch cooler bag (you know, thin padding/insulation, zippered, but with extra foam added).
Anyway, there was no room for power cords and extra stuff, so I took an old bag for carrying a breast pump (yup, breast pump) and use that. It's just big enough for AC adapter, DC adapter, batteries, tons of games. All the compartments are padded/insulated, but I added extra foam to ensconce TurboExpress.[/b][/i]
It turns out that upright baby bottles are the same height as TurboExpress, so a compact travel baby bottle/breast pump bag works nicely. NO FRILLS SOLUTION: This was best "no cost" solution, since I had tons of these insulated bags. I store my solo PCE in one, too. REMEMBER: Wipe away the dried breast milk before vacationing.