I try to refrain from int'l shipping when possible because I've had items go missing during the trip, both inbound and out. Last incident was a few months ago when a Turbo Booster I sold to a fella in Canada went missing (I'm assuming...) after it crossed the border. I've lost money from such in both shipping costs and merchandise.
If you want one that bad, I could sell you one of my 1FZ boards, but I won't take responsibility if it gets lost in transit. The board is a JP board, so if you need English language in games you'll need to change the BIOS.
That's a shame I have been really lucky with importing goods only had 1 parcel go missing. As for the neogeo been looking at a few on eBay they seem to be going for a more reasonable price at the moment if I can't get hold of one I will tap you up mate.