Author Topic: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.  (Read 1464 times)


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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2013, 04:16:06 PM »
My current commute is awesome as my office is only 1.5 miles from my house. I can leave my front door and be at my desk in 8 minutes. I also work a later shift (1-10pm) so there is even less of a chance of running into traffic.


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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #31 on: June 19, 2013, 10:49:22 PM »
If I had to drive 60-90 minutes each way like some people I...I just wouldn't do that. I'd either get another job or another house. That's just bullshit. I have a life to live here.

If your living in a city close to work thats not much of a life for me, My waste of life on driving is made up in full for the house, land and environment my family and I live in :).

I just said it takes me 15 minutes to drive to work. I obviously don't live in Chicago or Oakland. There is no such thing as a 15 minute drive in a real city, to matter how short the distance.

I live in Ann Arbor. Its f*cking beautiful. I've got raccoons and deer running through my 2 acres of property where I have two dozen century-old trees, yet my entire commute is paved and I don't exceed 45 mph at any point.

If you want to do something good for your family, consider spending more time with them and less in the car. Between work and sleep most people have already lost 2/3 of an average week day not including commutes and lunch hours. And how many hours a week do you have to work to pay for the fuel and maintenance on the car?

Buy this car to drive to work
Drive to work to pay for this car
Buy this car to drive to work
Drive to work to pay for this car
Buy this car to drive to work
Drive to work to pay for this car

There just isn't that much time to spare, not in my life anyway.

I've had job offers far from home, I've looked at living spaces far from work. I live where I do and work where I do, not by accident, but because I made it a priority to not waste 10 hours a week stuck in traffic. A lot of people look for the biggest house for the least money and then need the best paying job they can find to pay it off, which is of course nowhere near the house. They think they're getting ahead, but in the end they pay the hidden cost of being stuck by themselves in a car far too long, adding to their already out of control stress levels and producing assloads of CO2.

Hahaha, you think you got all the answers don't ya?  Must be nice to be 15 mins away from a piece of paradise like that, do you own it, rent or live with your parents? As something like that close to my work would cost $500,000 to a mill.

I love my job but its stuck in the most expensive area around, I make a great salary but its just one income coming in so Instead of living in a crowded subdivision I find a small town outside the city that offers a lot and I have my cottage and house all in one :)

Ya I could move closer and maybe shave 20mins off my drive but the urban sprawl is even getting close to me.
To each there own zeta but just don't tell what's right for me, everyone situation is different.

Yeah, Zeta fails to appreciate that life is far more complex than the simple formulas he posts. He should be grateful for what he has, instead of being judgmental of those who deviate from his fiats.

STATUS: I was afraid this topic would spread over three pages without any conflict and self-righteous grandstanding. Whew! Zeta saved us from having a completely civil discussion just in time. 
« Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 10:59:43 PM by esteban »
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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #32 on: June 19, 2013, 11:57:08 PM »
I have a 35 minute ride to work but I am lucky I leave for work at 4am/pm and head home at 5pm/am (swing shift).  I manage to miss traffic every day.
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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #33 on: June 20, 2013, 07:00:48 AM »
I find it kind of amazing that anyone could be offended by my saying people should make a conscious effort to spend less time stuck in their car and more time living life.

Well, I'm not surprised Sparky is offended, that happens all the f*cking time, but esteban?

I'm sure you guys think I don't understand your situation, that you've semi-willingly relocated or you are forced to live far from work, but I do. I've been in that situation and I changed it to my current situation. My opinion: I was an idiot to drive 50 minutes to and from work each way. The money you save in a cheaper house will be made up for in other ways. That's why your house was so cheap.

And no, I don't live with my parents. I own a home and, very uncommon in 2013, its worth more than I owe. That's probably another sore spot for some people. BE OFFENDED NOW! ENGAGE "WELL, I NEVER!" MODE!


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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #34 on: June 20, 2013, 07:02:36 AM »

I hear ya esteban.  I get enough road rage on the way home from work during my commute.  I don't need the forum rage.  Haha.  I feel for ya esteban.  I'm in the same boat.  If it was only that simple right?
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 07:06:05 AM by geise »


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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #35 on: June 20, 2013, 07:21:28 AM »
I don't know what Sparky's and esteban's problem is.  To escape wasting a few precious hours in your car, it makes perfect sense to trade a job/home you love (and where you spend far more time) for something less palatable.  It's even better if it means your wife will end up with the commute or have to find another job, or if you have to send your kids to a shittier school.  f*ck 'em - it's all about ME!

Anyway, what makes zippy think they're offended?  I take offense at disagreement!
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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #36 on: June 20, 2013, 08:03:52 AM »
I take offense to your offense.  :D

Regardless, my commute is worth allowing my wife to have a better job and better place to live.  It's a thing called sacrifice.  My job field isn't in every town or city.  It's very limited to specific locations.  At this point it's easy to say I'm lucky to have a job.


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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #37 on: June 20, 2013, 09:27:53 AM »
I don't know what Sparky's and esteban's problem is.  To escape wasting a few precious hours in your car, it makes perfect sense to trade a job/home you love (and where you spend far more time) for something less palatable.  It's even better if it means your wife will end up with the commute or have to find another job, or if you have to send your kids to a shittier school.  f*ck 'em - it's all about ME!

Anyway, what makes zippy think they're offended?  I take offense at disagreement!

It's not about "me" it's about everyone in the family. Even a situation like mine I'm only really able to be home and awake for three or four hours a day. I have to fit all the house work, yard work, automobile maintence, cat shit scooping, etc into the time period. I don't have kids, but if I did seeing them more than an hour a day would be a miracle. If I spent another hour driving that hour with the kids wouldn't exist.

Too many people are worried about "providing" for the family as defined by worldly means. More people should focus on shit that matters. f*ck "quality time", its more about "quantity time". Am I being selfish by saying you should spend more time with the people you care about instead of running the wheels off your car? Why is that? Am I failing to consider all the bankers and tires salesman that will be out out of work? The negative hit to the GDP by not getting a job that incurs so many costs that the increased pay is cancelled out?

People are way too obsessed with that materialistic bullshit. When you are dead and gone your kid isn't going to care if you had a second bathroom or not, he's going to remember all the things you taught him. I didn't have a dad around when I was little, but my grandpa taught me more than any school, shitty or otherwise, ever could.

Here's where you tell me that since I don't have kids I know nothing about family. Come on. Lets hear it.

Don't post while driving though. That shits dangerous.


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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #38 on: June 20, 2013, 09:56:21 AM »
It's not about "me" it's about everyone in the family. Even a situation like mine I'm only really able to be home and awake for three or four hours a day. I have to fit all the house work, yard work, automobile maintence, cat shit scooping, etc into the time period. I don't have kids, but if I did seeing them more than an hour a day would be a miracle. If I spent another hour driving that hour with the kids wouldn't exist.

Too many people are worried about "providing" for the family as defined by worldly means. More people should focus on shit that matters. f*ck "quality time", its more about "quantity time". Am I being selfish by saying you should spend more time with the people you care about instead of running the wheels off your car? Why is that? Am I failing to consider all the bankers and tires salesman that will be out out of work? The negative hit to the GDP by not getting a job that incurs so many costs that the increased pay is cancelled out?

People are way too obsessed with that materialistic bullshit. When you are dead and gone your kid isn't going to care if you had a second bathroom or not, he's going to remember all the things you taught him. I didn't have a dad around when I was little, but my grandpa taught me more than any school, shitty or otherwise, ever could.

Here's where you tell me that since I don't have kids I know nothing about family. Come on. Lets hear it.

Don't post while driving though. That shits dangerous.

I've got a kid and agree 100%.  I dropped a good paying job as an Art Director for a multi-media company that deals with large clients internationally because I was never around my wife and kid.  I've been freelancing from home ever since and love being able to arrange my work schedule around family time. 


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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #39 on: June 20, 2013, 09:59:34 AM »
Hahahaha! Clearly, I am not opposed to "less commuting for all"'s just silly to think that everyone is fortunate enough to work locally.

I didn't think I'd have to spell it out, but I see that I do:

I correctly identified Zeta's post as "overly-simplistic" because it is based, naively, on one factor (cost-benefit analysis of commute time for local vs. distant job).

Just for starters, here are the things that Zeta is conveniently ignoring:
(1) geographical location of family/friends (I live close to my family and friends)
(2) quality of school system (the better schools are in the more affluent towns)
(3) public parks and facilities
(4) cultural wasteland? Or easy, convenient access to arts & entertainment & universities & museums & etc.
(5) COMPROMISE: Spouse has local job (Zeta approves!) so only one poor bastard (Esteban) commutes  

I could go on and on (as already pointed out, local job market is an important issue, depending on your career ), but the key point is that Zeta is overly simplistic in his analysis and ignoring MAJOR factors that many (most) families deal with.

Plus, I called Zeta out for being self-righteous. He is.

I love Zeta, but that doesn't mean I can't disagree with him.  
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 10:07:49 AM by esteban »
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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2013, 10:04:07 AM »
These were exactly the two views I was hoping to get from you guys.

I'm 26, I have no "family" per say.  But I take care of my parents house since my mom is disabled and my dad doesn't really have the energy anymore and things are starting to become old and fall apart.  Plus unfourtanly I cannot afford to live in this state with out multiple roommates.   

I don't mind driving right now, as it is a full time job for a relatively new college grad., Masters student.  But honestly I leave at 7 and get home at 7:30.  I don't have much time to do other things without become exhuasted.  So as much as I love living on the beach well away from the hustle and bustle of Philly and New York, and it was great growing up, It really stinks to drive so much.  I'm kinda cuaght in the middle ATM, and I'm not sure which is better.  But it's good to see it works out either way.   
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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #41 on: June 20, 2013, 12:19:49 PM »
Zeta if you understand my situation then why did reply the way ya did? as it sure felt you were grouping me in with your views? maybe you did not mean it but its the way you word shit man.
Your a bit of alright in my books so whatever i don't care and will sleep good tonight.... aaand maybe you speak some truth to me about missing out on family time <<blush>> truth can hurt.


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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #42 on: June 20, 2013, 01:23:05 PM »
I drive about 40 miles each way to and from work in brutal Los Angeles traffic. Sucks but love my job!
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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #43 on: June 20, 2013, 01:31:14 PM »
I drive about 40 miles each way to and from work in brutal Los Angeles traffic. Sucks but love my job!

I used to commute from San Diego up to LA every day and THAT was brutal.  That job didn't last very long... :)


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Re: Curosity: How much time do you spend in traffic a week.
« Reply #44 on: June 20, 2013, 01:39:36 PM »
Yeah I live out in Riverside and drive all the way out to Pasadena. I hit about 4 freeways just to get here.
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