I swapped the high quality wmv for "Get Turbocharged!", so it's now full length and added divx alternatives for all 3 promo videos(the Lords' divx is just the old file I had up before).
The divx's are almost the same size as the high quality wmv's, but the picture quality is poorer and the sound is not quite as nice.
0:30 - These guys are really fascinated by the dude on the TG-16 box!
I like how the dork shrugs and give the cool guy a look that says, "go ahead, what's the worst that could happen?" and seconds later they're both electrocuted by orange energy bolts.
1:43 - Turbobooster to put out unbelievable sound and vicious pictures! Try not to be too blown away by their example! I agree that composite video out of the TG-16 is rather "vicious" with its fuzzy scrolling and color bars. RGB is the way to go.
The Turbobooster made a big difference for me, since it eliminated the fuzzy scrolling and color bars that I got from using an RF switch. But I didn't know anyone with an RGB TV back then, let alone even knew what RGB was.
2:05 - I imagine that the dude on the right is REALLY helping his friend beat Mike Bison or Balrog or whatever his name is in Fighting Street. Keep waving your hand there, buddy. Your friend can't win without it!
It looks like they're having a VS game and the dorkier guy is playing with an Activator.
2:19 - No need for a description here. Just laugh the night away at these two dorks listening to the TG-16 CD player.
Makes me wonder if the whole thing even had a real director on the set, or if some guys from NEC just told them to play a few games, act "excited" and then show off their best dance moves.
2:31 - OK waitaminute. The case was stored vertically on a shelf. Dude picks it up and opens it yet the HuCard (without a sleeve) and it looks like it is still aligned almost perfectly in the center. HuCards without a sleeve flop around like a bitch!
This probably ate up half of the special effects buget.
4:17 - It seems like this dude just squeezed out a quick fart, then the camera pans over to the dude on the left who begins to enjoy the smell.
That's hilarious man. Everyone needs to read that and then check the video at 4:17.
4:48 - There they are again! These guys will never get laid.
I think that these guys would have no trouble getting laid.
Just not by women.7:29 - NEC invites us to write them with our opinions of the PC Engine games that follow. That's going to be kind of hard since the games don't show any titles and last for only about 4 seconds each. I guess we could write in and say "I liked that one game... the one with the space ship. Bring that over as it looks cool. Don't bring over that game with the guy in it, though. That looks boring. So does that one game with the space ship. The other game with the space ship is still cool." It is amazing how few of the games shown made it over. Most of them looked like crap.
It would've been nice if NEC actually
had listened to their customers and if it really was true that they
were commited to only bringing over the best PC Engine titles(as the announcer states just before that).
A lot of those PC Engine games looked like they could be fun and back then, everyone I knew wasn't so concerned with playing games that were state of the art graphics wise, we just wanted more games to play for our new systems.
I remember how it seemed like forever to get some more Genesis games after the initial batch, which I rented to death. The draw of new games is part of what got me to buy a Turbografx in the first place.
Which is why NEC's "It's easy to beat the competition when you've got them outnumbered" campaign was a good idea... if only they'd kept bringing over a steady number of quality games.
As for graphics, back then we didn't all have the benefit of hindsight from 20 years in the future, where we now judge all games for any console against the entire generation of it's time.
Everyone I knew back then just wanted something that they thought looked/sounded good compared to an NES game. Even though the Sega Master System already offered that(at least
I got to enjoy the SMS in it's day).
It's ironic when I think of how many ugly games were thought of as awesome and how many beautiful games were ignored as ugly back in the day.
Anyways, I know that at the time, I would've been impressed by the overload of clips.
9:03 - Waitaminute... isn't that a SuperGrafx game? I can tell just by all of the incredible SuperGrafx power displayed.
That made me wonder for a minute if NEC had even made the PC Engine collage or if it was put together in Japan for PCE demos.
9:12 - Hang-On on the Sega Master System looks better than this. Ug.
I actually thought that it(Bari Bari Densetsu?) looked pretty cool for the 2 seconds it was up.
9:56 - I don't think American audiences would EVER be interested in something like this.
No, but it's a good 3 second example of how CD games can offer digitized graphics and clear voice.
At that point, there was only Fighting Street and Monster Lair and as a Turbo CD owner back then, I know how badly I wanted a game to use english CD voice and to do more than those first 2 games did.