I'm not impressed.
When Nintendo says they'll have a "best of" selection from more than 1,000 Genesis titles... what exactly does that mean? The only number they cite is "1000", but they're already telling us that we're not getting a thousand games. Are we going to get twelve games, like on a Smash Pack? Will we get two Smash Pack's worth? Does "best" mean hard-to-find games like Warsong, or does "best" just mean "what the company thinks is most popular"?
Will multiplayer games have online support? How much will it cost to download a game? (Several current compilations already offer 15 to 20 games for 20 dollars.) Does this service promote small developers with new ideas for online retro gaming... or is this just a way for big companies to make more money without putting forth any effort?
Nintendo still hasn't told us anything substantial. They're not giving themselves an opportunity to receive (and act on) the market's feedback. It's almost as if their Sega/Hudson announcement is intended to serve as hype, instead of to inform!
I'm shocked.