You're saying Sega-16 is biased? Aren't you biased? I keep hearing Genesis sucks on this site. TG16 is aaalways better.

I know you're not totally serious. But since I'm waiting in the hotel lobby, I've got some time to kill (and I want to get the most of the $10 I spent to get internet access today, those bastards!), allow me to babble ...
Actually, I never said TG-16 is always better

. And we love Genny (well, a lot of us, anyway). I think most of us were all bringing up specific points / instances in which we disagreed with sega-16. We are simply reacting to sega-16, which is claiming Genny versions
as the best version ever.
We are saying, "Hey, we take issue with points A, B, C, and _________ in your comparison."
If the author of the review acknowledges just a portion of our insights, then the Genny version is no longer "hands down" the best one. Rather, it's still a debate. We may never be able to agree on what the "best one" is, but that's not the point, as far as I am concerned.
The point, IMO, is to present an analysis that fairly addresses all of the strengths, weaknesses and idiosyncracies between different versions -- to better inform readers. I want to appreciate everything each version offers.
For example, I truly believe that the sega-16 reviewer did not *really* give the chip tunes from Dungeon Explorer a chance (or, the person writing the review isn't too fond of chiptunes). Either way, it's a travesty to say that the Sega-CD DE Red Book is "better than" or "gets the edge over" the original HuCard tunes. I like the SegaCD soundtrack -- but it is truly, truly generic compared to PCE DE 1 and PCE DE 2 soundtrack. On its own, I can totally enjoy the SegaCD soundtrack... but when you make your analysis relative to the PCE games... forget about it!
Of course, I'm not saying that everyone should love the chiptunes -- but I would like folks to give them a chance before dismissing them

. My apologies to the sega16 reviewer if he did give the tunes a chance. I still enjoyed reading his article!