Everyone always complains that do not have room for two TV's(or monitors).
Yet their HDTV is probably many times the size (in width and height, at least) of a smaller CRT. I'm fortunate enough to have the room for both a large HDTV and a large CRT, but if I didn't, I'd still take a small CRT for my classic gaming over an HDTV. Up until the 2000s, pretty much all my gaming was done on a CRT that's probably about 13". In fact, I still have that TV (first TV that was ever my own personal TV, had it since 1990), and it still has a nice picture. Now and then I still use it and another small CRT I have for gaming (only the big one has s-video input, though). As long as you're not sitting a mile away from it, there's nothing wrong with a small TV.