Hi i've had a turbo grafx 16 for a while and found this site when i finally won a huge duo auction on ebay, i just wanted to give an update as to what i have obtained since then and am playing or have passed.
Since winning my duo i have bought
Lords of Thunger - Reccommended from here
Prince of Persa - TZD
Buster Bros - TZD
Splash Lake - TZD (bought this one cause i saw a post on here that they were running out of copies, the guy on the phone told me they had very few left so if you need a good 2-player game on ur duo head over there and pick it up i'm sure glad i did)
Beyond Shadowgate - Won it on Ebay buy it now for $120 ouch, should arrive in the next few days but i am very excited
I have passed Splatterhouse, and Pacland since i got the system, We all know splatterhouse rox, pacland was pretty boring all though the colorful graphix are nice
I am currently playing Order of the Griffin (great RPG in D+D universe)
Splash lake w/ a friend
Buster Bros w/ a friend
Legendary Axe ( i've only been there a few times but on the 4th zone there seems to be a rope that is impossible to hit, i hope i don't get to frusrated
Next on my list are:
Beyond Shadowgate - as soon as it arrives
Ys Book 1 + II
and either ninja spirit or shape shifter
I'd be interested in any comments people have or what others are currently playing on their systems now
Mike Palmisano