So some people in this forum have championed a certain spelling of this game with a damned apostrophe.
THIS CANNOT BE STOOD FOR!Yo brethren! Rise up with me and using the power of voting in a pole help me put these neigh sayers in place!
I submit to you the evidence for each spelling:
Exhibit 1 Cover art!
Take note of the correct spelling Yo Bro with a trademark symbol - no apostrophe!

Exhibit 2 the HuCARD!
Note the mistake of the idiot who did the lettering and wrongly added an apostrophe - an apostrophe this makes no sense what so ever!

Exhibit 3 the title Screen!
Note that apparently the programmers thought the title should be Yo, Bro with a comma. However this adds too silly a pause between the words, therefor the correct way to say it is Yo Bro, as in Yo Bro pass me the controller it is my turn to play in this two player game of Yo Bro.