The only thing I know about the BBC Micro is from anecdotes found scattered about old magazines and contemporary reminiscing on the inter-webs.
Thought of this after discussing an old Apple with another member. This made me go back and search to read the story on it. We had one in grade school, 4th grade, a Topo III. I remember the serving trays and the controller on its head. We had it to learn basic robot commands ect. Couldnt tell you if it was on loan or the school purchased it.
Def brings back memories and its interesting.
I totally remember that robot, but, sadly, none of the schools in my area had one. I doubt even the local universities had them.
We had Commodore PET (cassette loading took ages), C64 (later 128), Apple ][ (later IIgs).
The first edu-game I ever played featured an unlicensed ET who extended his neck to eat the correct answers to math problems (~1982, third grade).
It was a kool game, but sluggish. Years later, I made my own version (w/ my own alien design, more eye candy, swifter)....but it was in BASIC.