I found LA II to be disappointing after the excellently crafted first game.
It's still fun, just nowhere near as tightly designed and kind of sloppy all around. I never understood the weird things the MC starts doing after you beat the bosses. You don't even start with an axe.
It also has what is probably the most naked MC outside of a Cho-Aniki game.
I applaud muscle-bound, scantily clad characters in the AXE games.
Sadly, I must disagree with your dismissal of Legendre Axe Duexe: 'tis a fine game and is oozing with atmosphere, suspense, and excellent hacking/slashing/platforming! The first game had a slower pace (which I am fine with), but I really like the frenetic pace you can plow through Axe Deuxe at...it is a different feeling, for sure.
I'll make an analogy:
Legendary Axe I is to Castlevania I (NES)
Legendary Axe II is to Dracula X: Rondo (PCE)
Both are excellent Castlevania games, but the first entry has a touch of molasses. To clarify, I did not say "a touch of male asses" (although, all of these games prominently feature stalwart men and their muscle-bound asses), but rather molasses.