Author Topic: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)  (Read 493 times)


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WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« on: October 01, 2013, 10:46:41 AM »
So I owned both these games and sold them here a while back, but now having a hinkering to play them again and a lil of that seller's regret.  So if anyone has a copy, prefer complete, let me know!


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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2013, 11:40:16 AM »
So I owned both these games and sold them here a while back, but now having a hinkering to play them again and a lil of that seller's regret.  So if anyone has a copy, prefer complete, let me know!

You realize you're going to feel that way about a bunch of the games you sold over the past few years, right? 

What's happening in your corner of the world, by the way?

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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2013, 02:20:42 PM »
It already has Steve, I've bought back Panzer Dragoon Saga and Shadow Hearts, and am trying to get another copy of Hagane (this game sooooooared in price!!)  Luckily it's only been about 10 or so games that I really regret selling out of the 100s Ive sold off. I ended up purging a lot of pre-32bit games after buying a 1080p TV and realizing they look like shit on it and questioning how much I would play these vintage classics while I was knee-deep in PS2, PS3 and 360 games I wanted to play through and barely could find the time for.  But alas, it may take a decade at a time, but some games I will always come back to. 

How are things in your world?


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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2013, 05:33:33 PM »
It already has Steve, I've bought back Panzer Dragoon Saga and Shadow Hearts, and am trying to get another copy of Hagane (this game sooooooared in price!!)  Luckily it's only been about 10 or so games that I really regret selling out of the 100s Ive sold off. I ended up purging a lot of pre-32bit games after buying a 1080p TV and realizing they look like shit on it and questioning how much I would play these vintage classics while I was knee-deep in PS2, PS3 and 360 games I wanted to play through and barely could find the time for.  But alas, it may take a decade at a time, but some games I will always come back to. 

How are things in your world?

I hear you. I sold a bunch of stuff a long time ago and ended up re-acquiring almost everything.

I have three kids (G9, G2, B2) and even less free time than ever. NJ = awesome. YES, I REFER TO MY KIDS AND DOG BY THEIR CATALOG #'s: "G9, please close the door before K9 runs outside."


"B2,  stop taking your sister G9's toys."

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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2013, 03:32:29 PM »
That's right, I remember you having twins.  You must be crazy busy, do you have much time to get some Turbo action in anymore?  Have you collected all the Turbo/PCE games yet?


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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2013, 11:37:41 PM »
That's right, I remember you having twins.  You must be crazy busy, do you have much time to get some Turbo action in anymore?  Have you collected all the Turbo/PCE games yet?

I realized long ago that my lack of $$$ will prevent me from getting any new games for TG-16 (I think I have all the cheap stuff, but I'll never be able to get Beyond Shadowgate, or Bonk 3, etc.). I buy a few titles a year, usually on whim, from folks here.

I've been mostly playing SMS, FC, PCE, MD for the past few years and I have tons of games. So, I'm happy, but I wish I could play more than a few hours every week or two.

My fourth-grader likes old-skool games (what a surprise!) so I love playing stuff with her (DATA EAST ARCADE COLLECTION, yeah!)
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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2013, 12:00:26 PM »
I've been back in a 16-bit kind of mood as of late after playing all PS3 and 360 games, when I did play games at all.  It's amazing to me how much prices on these games have changed in 6 years or so.  Just games like Gleylancer, which I thought was expensive when I bought it for $80, now fetches over $200. And I bought a brand new copy of Hagane for $50, it now fecthes over $1000!!!  I've always wanted to buy games complete because I like having everything they originally came with, but now it seems like people charge isulting prices for every complete Snes/Genesis game, like all of the sudden everytone wants to be a collector or something.  Especially like buying sealed games and not opening them, just having them as a collector's piece, how stupid is that???


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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2013, 04:12:04 PM »
I've been back in a 16-bit kind of mood as of late after playing all PS3 and 360 games, when I did play games at all.  It's amazing to me how much prices on these games have changed in 6 years or so.  Just games like Gleylancer, which I thought was expensive when I bought it for $80, now fetches over $200. And I bought a brand new copy of Hagane for $50, it now fecthes over $1000!!!  I've always wanted to buy games complete because I like having everything they originally came with, but now it seems like people charge isulting prices for every complete Snes/Genesis game, like all of the sudden everytone wants to be a collector or something.  Especially like buying sealed games and not opening them, just having them as a collector's piece, how stupid is that???

I know. I was the same as you: I liked to experience how games were originally sold, so I liked to get everything. But now, with the craziness over the last few years, I have completely regretted not picking up certain games (because I grabbed a bunch of crappy games instead of one good game...)

The only good thing is that it's been nice to play and replay a lot of games that I already own. New games would have distracted me, so I can't complain. ACTUALLY, I CAN COMPLAIN ABOUT THE RICH/STUPID FOLKS PAYING $$$$$$$$$$ for the games I want to play.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 04:14:13 PM by esteban »
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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2013, 08:17:02 PM »
It's lame, I liked video games so much more back before they were popular, not that they've become mainstream, along with emulators and virtual downloads, people are no longer just playing the GTAs and Maddens.  A whole new generation now is being introduced to classic gaming, which is actually kind of cool, the downside is the demand is killing the supply.  And it's been an epidemic for a while, but everything is "Ultra" and "Mega Rere", it's like who gives a damn, do you play games you like or games because they are scarce. 

The problem is a lot of people aren't even playing them, it's just something new to collect or try to gouge money from.  One of the most disappointing games I played was Rendering Ranger, it was the most expensive console game I ever bought at $250, and it was pretty lame after how cool the Turrican games were.  Everything about it was very "bleh".  I will never pay that much for one single game again.


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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2013, 06:16:50 AM »
Yes, comrade, we are getting old and losers are ruining the hobby. What more needs to be said?
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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2013, 06:31:58 PM »
Keep the sense of community alive!


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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2013, 11:38:27 PM »
I'm still amazed at the prices some things are going for now.

I just recently was looking at some of my spare parts for my 16-bit systems, and, well, some of this stuff has really gone up in price, or is almost impossible to find.

For example, the last time I purchased NEW Sega Genesis controllers, was in 2006, maybe 2007. I think the box is postmarked. Anyway, for about a dozen new controllers, I paid something silly, like $15 for 12, new controllers, 6 button, Sega brand, official, shipped. I figured it'd be good to have spares. 2 years ago, I sold 2, maybe 4 of them. Now, these things are impossible to find, and it's only 6 years later. I wish I bought another dozen controllers, I remember that seller really clearing them out, there were so many bundles of a dozen controllers (100+, probably), that I think I figured, if I wanted more, I could get more. The price may go up, but, not too much...

Sam went for OFFICIAL Sega Genesis extension cords. There are 3rd part ones out there, sure they work fine, but I recall buying a case of 6? not sure how many exactly, but same time, around 6 years ago, for under $10.

Same for the modded Duo controllers. Before TZD shut down, I bought maybe 6 spares? I already had a few. They were the TG-16 controllers, with the Duo cord. Now, impossible to find. I figured, after Red Frog bought TZDs stock, I may in the future still be able to get it from them, then, Red Frog closed down, something with a court case...

Games, I recently commented about Magical Chase here. I actually located, in a box with some invoices, and also some OLD references for normal ebay prices, an ebay auction, for a complete, in box, Magical Chase, on ebay. Sold for $350 in 2005. I actually had a print-out of that completed auction tucked away. Seeing now, MC, same condition, has recently sold for 20x that amount, 8 years later, is insane to me.

Of course, this stuff is getting older, as we all are. I do think the Wii brought more attention to this system. I didn't encounter many people familiar with this system before the Wii put it really out there, in the mainstream.

It's been wild. seeing how things have gone. I guess since the 16-bit generation is at about the 20 year mark, it makes sense for the price a bit, but...

It is possible there will be a bit of a falling-out with the TG-16 prices. Perhaps another generation won't care so much about them. Who knows. Right now, I feel the prices for some stuff is just batshit, and it's amazing to me that people are paying some of these prices.

I am glad I got in on some, "Last Chance" deals with TZD, Telegames, and a few other places that used to stock Sega and TG-16 stuff, that are now either completely gone, or nor longer have stock of certain new stuff.

Nemo, good luck with tracking down the games you want, again.

"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2013, 12:35:58 AM »
MrFulci: Yup.  .
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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2013, 08:44:47 PM »
MrFulci, I never understood the whole Magical Chase thing either.  I remember when the game sold for $350 like you mentioned, and thought that was absurd. Before I came to this board a couple years back, I never even knew it was such a phenomenon.  I bought a complete JP copy for $40 about 7 years ago and have always thought it was mediocore at best.  Never got the hype behind this one, it's a competent shooter, but nothing special.  At least Sapphire did some nice things technically.

I've been thinking about it, and I think the biggest difference between now and a decade ago as far as vintage games goes is that there are no more "secrets".  With the interent and Wii, and Ebay, everyone knows about all the "good" games.  So bargaining hunting is obsolete.  Back when Gamestop was booming for used games, all being cart-only, I found so many incredible deals on complete games on the interent.  They're used to be so many sites where I could go and get games, even sealed games at retail value, now Ebay has the monopoly on the market.  And ever since publications have started to "rate" these games in terms of rarity, price gouging has gone insane. 


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Re: WTB: Neutopia I & II (TG16)
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2013, 12:36:52 AM »
MrFulci, I never understood the whole Magical Chase thing either.  I remember when the game sold for $350 like you mentioned, and thought that was absurd. Before I came to this board a couple years back, I never even knew it was such a phenomenon.  I bought a complete JP copy for $40 about 7 years ago and have always thought it was mediocore at best.  Never got the hype behind this one, it's a competent shooter, but nothing special.  At least Sapphire did some nice things technically.

I've been thinking about it, and I think the biggest difference between now and a decade ago as far as vintage games goes is that there are no more "secrets".  With the interent and Wii, and Ebay, everyone knows about all the "good" games.  So bargaining hunting is obsolete.  Back when Gamestop was booming for used games, all being cart-only, I found so many incredible deals on complete games on the interent.  They're used to be so many sites where I could go and get games, even sealed games at retail value, now Ebay has the monopoly on the market.  And ever since publications have started to "rate" these games in terms of rarity, price gouging has gone insane. 

$350 or so, for a complete in box Magical Chase, though I thought at the time expensive, it never struck me as, "Crazy". That wasn't a set price though, as with all auctions, prices fluctuated. I recall around that time another selling for $600 or so on ebay, though, I think that one was sealed.

I also got rid of some stuff, sometime during 2001, or 2002. Long story to it. Now, I miss some of that stuff. It was mostly the NES stuff that is gone, though, at least that isn't so difficult to get back. Still, I recall some of what I had, and the stories behind getting it all. What I wish I had, were an inventory of what my NES stash consisted of. I still have my system and about a dozen games for it though. At least the carts are cheap, so when I decide I need to have Abadox again, it's not like I have to spend much $.

My Sega CD collection suffered a bit of a similar fate.

Atari 2600, I got rid of a lot of my extra parts, years ago. I wish I had kept 20% of what I sold, but, oh well! I still have what I cared about most.

Those years, about a decade ago, a lot of stuff went. I had a decent collection of board games, nothing remains of that.

Same goes for some books and magazines. Gone.

The Turbo Grafx stuff didn't disappear during that time, though. That's good.

You refer to things being more, "Secret" a decade ago. Not really, from my experience. About a decade ago (2004 or 2005), the information was still out there. I recall selling a rare game in an Atari 2600 game lot (I didn't know it was rare), and all of these people kept trying to make a side deal for $15, $20, I think the most some guy offered me was $40. Some people even message me telling me to ignore the messages I am likely receiving about this game, etc... I would have figured it out anyway.

Back then, it didn't seem much different than now.

What I notice, is it depends on how out in the public certain things are. An example I can think of, is I was browsing books, and saw that walking dead comics are being placed in paperback compendiums. So, I went to look for how much the early comic books sold for, I was curious, since it has a TV show and such. It was a lot of $. I am pretty sure before the TV series, it was sold for much less $!

That's why I think, with the Wii pushing the TG-16 out there, for many people to see, it seemed to pick-up from there, with prices and everything. Also during that time, TZD liquidated. Turbo Grafx, it always struck me a bit as an ignored system.

I never stopped in GameStop, though I did hear back then they used to carry a lot of used "old" games.

What killed bargain hunting, was ebay. I recall the deals I got on Atari 2600 stuff in the 90's. Before ebay, and even for a little while after ebay debuted. Lots of stuff, for cheap. At yard sales, if I didn't see an Atari 2600 system, I'd sometimes ask, and sometimes hear, "Oh, that old stuff? I didn't think anyone would still buy that stuff. We have one in the basement, hold on"...

Anyway, The Turbo Grafx, it just seems more popular now than it was 10 years ago. It's a bit odd.

Considering prices for some TG-16 stuff now, the best thing to do, is if you think you're going to want to play something later, hold onto it. It's something I am keeping in mind, also!

"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".