When the items are hoarded, then it is just the ultimate dick waving low self-esteem trying to make up for a lost childhood f*ckery there is.
No, it's just being French (according to Adol):
I don't, as it's in my best interest to keep my purchases to myself. Notice that that is the exact definition of selfishness.
That's where it differs in Europe.
Using by yourself something you paid isn't considered selfishness in my country,but normal use. Your definition of selfishness is mistaken,or at least not worldwidely true.
nobody would say you're selfish because you'll eat the sandwich you paid for, instead of giving it to the first hobo you met,like Sinistron for example.
At least he's not an evil commie like Grover, brainwashing future generations into not keeping unreleased games from video game players.
I can't find a clip of the Fox News segment where they expose this propaganda, but if what Adol says is true, it would explain the nickname "Faux News".