Author Topic: *SIGH* Disappointing to see this on ebay... ROCKMAN  (Read 653 times)


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Re: *SIGH* Disappointing to see this on ebay... ROCKMAN
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2013, 07:15:28 PM »
That's a pretty elaborate bootleg, for what though, CD quality music?  A watched a video on youtube and the game looks identical to the NES version.  I get the quality Sapphire repro (still have one myself), that game goes for $600+, but this????

Here's the site

I'm pretty sure the guy's a member here and elsewhere. Fudoh maybe? If you have a Sapphire, I'm 95% sure it's a boot from this guy. If you have SFZ or Rockman there's no question. To be clear, the guy generally provides pretty high quality stuff. He also jacks work of our members here. I'll let you resolve that for yourself, but Sapphire I find far more excusable than Rockman.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Fudoh.  It was when he came here explaining he found the lost treasure chest of Sapphires that Hudson had dropped into the bottom of the Pacific and everyone was up in a tizzy about the chance to obtain this lost relic for a mere $60 (I think it was).  It was exciting for a minute, and honestly it's the best repro/bootleg I've ever seen, and did allow me to play a game I would never otherwise play.  But you don't have to blow smokestacks up my ass, just tell me it's a boot, and I'll probably still buy it all things considered as I won't be paying $600 for any game. 

Guess I'm still just a little confused as to why jacking another fan's work, and why even pick that game, other than Mega Man is so popular.  And I hate all the "it might not be an official release" stuff on these auctions (ala Snes/Nes games).  You think the Earthbound Zero for Nes in English that was never released in English "might" be less than authentic, dip sh*t. 
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 07:18:59 PM by Nemo »


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Re: *SIGH* Disappointing to see this on ebay... ROCKMAN
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2013, 11:16:21 PM »
He probably decided to steal MM simply because the creator has no legal rights to his own creation.  He can't legally sell his own port.  If Capcom is aware of the boots, they probably don't care as it would cost them more in legal fees then they would gain from Fudoh.  However, since the port's true creator has no legal right to his own creation, he could never personally go after Fudoh either.
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Re: *SIGH* Disappointing to see this on ebay... ROCKMAN
« Reply #17 on: October 13, 2013, 05:54:02 AM »
Sorry, I haven't been around the forum for quite some time, I am not sure I understand what has transpired.

Who made this PC-Engine port of Megaman?


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Re: *SIGH* Disappointing to see this on ebay... ROCKMAN
« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2013, 07:35:10 AM »
malduci aka bonknuts
the home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
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