Sure, it looks a bit less crap looking than the Genesis one, and the music is arguably better (depending on taste)...
but, the game sucks.
1) Up to jump pisses me off.
2) The scrolling is jagged for no reason. The Master System's scrolling is better.
3) You bounce off everything like a drunk in a bouncy castle. Often, you get hit once, and you've entered a mosh pit of zombies, blobs, and wolfcows, so you might as well just pack it in, because you are dead.
4) Everything feels delayed. The controls just feel stiff.
I've defended the game in the past before because it's not THAT bad, but you know what.
f*ck it.
The game sucks.
I spent the last 45 minutes or so playing it, swearing at it, and then wondering why I'm even playing it when I could play the versions that aren't retarded.