Altered Beast CD on the impressive System 1.0 card is a much MUCH easier game than the HuCard. Don't get me wrong it still sucks, it just sucks a bit less. The HuCard is just ridiculous. The CD still has PCE music. At least that's what I remember. I have the CD but haven't played it in a couple months. A shame, I know. Altered Beast CD on PCE should be played at least once every week. You need to believe in the power of System 1.0.
It's easier, but it still sucks, yes. The problem with the HuCard one is if you get touched once, you end up bouncing into everything and repeatedly get hit and just die. The game might as well just have one hit deaths. The health bar is practically useless.
Also, I like the chiptune soundtrack in the game. It's done quite nicely.
I don't like that you can't throttle the punch button when you're in wolf form. You could just duck down and wail on it and fire the flaming poop across the screen super fast against the boss and kill him before he moved almost.
The PCE one just seems like it's delayed and sticky.