At risk of being flagged a spammer, I wanted to share with you something which I've been working on over the last few months, but dreaming about doing for over a decade...
http://DoxPhile.comAt this time, the site is incomplete but should still have enough content to keep you modestly entertained for a short while and give you an idea of what is to come in the future. And to bribe you into visiting, I'll be giving away a Club Turbo catalog on Halloween Night to one lucky individual who registers an account and makes at least one post so I know they aren't a spambot.
I had hoped to have the "killer feature" ready for launch, but the reality of parenthood and my day-to-day grind made me realize that I
had to launch
now, otherwise the raffle would be over with only a handful of PCEngine community chat patrons in the running for it. See, I'd foolishly announced this raffle thinking the site would be 100% ready to launch weeks ago.
In any event, without further rambling, the stuff that's there right now:
[ul][li]9 game magazines are available for browsing, with tags leading back to each of the...[/li][li]144 game info pages, which each contain a discussion forum and also have the tags leading back to the...[/li][li]183 page scans (with 278 tags in all at the moment)[/li][/ul] Every week I've been adding a magazine or two to the
Media Archive, and virtually every day more information is added to our
Games DatabaseThe killer feature that isn't there just yet is the ability to put a checkmark in the "i own that" box next to anything in the database (including sub-items like case, manual, sleeve, map, etc...) and have it linked to your forum profile where you can earn achievements (goofy titles, badges, ect..). Beyond just building a personal collection database, I also plan to allow users to flag items in their collection as available for sale or trade, so that everyone may browse each others' offerings in a marketplace of sorts.
So there you have it. My long winded way of saying "hey, look what I made... come tinker with it!". I know not everything I'm offering is unique among sites in this community, but I hope you'll find the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
--------------UPDATE------------- chose a winner for this raffle:

Thanks to all who entered, and thanks to everyone else who checked out the site! I hope to see you all around there in the future- but don't get your hopes up, I'll still be around here as well! Hahha
I've prepared a consolation prize for everyone, too, in the form of uploading the 17th magazine to the site. Turbo Play #13 (June/July '92):!