I believe that the PCE is the only 16-bit console which can run six good quality and long sound samples at once.
The Neo-Geo can. 6 channels at 12 bits, 18.5Khz each, 1 additional channel at 16 bits with varying sampling rate. Limited only by the size of sample ROMs.
Black Tiger should've specified: The only 16-bit console that wasn't overpriced and obnoxious.
I think the colors of the PCE games kick the piss out of both the Genesis and SNES. While you will often see nicer layering in a Genesis game, you will almost never see better colors.
and when you do, they're dithered as f*ck. See: Ristar.
I also prefer the PCE's sound over the Genesis and SNES.
Overall, between the card format, small formfactor console, controller that resembles an NES one but is better, and all this other stuff, it's kind of clear the thing kicks ass.
... too bad they forgot to bring the really kickass games to the USA.