AirRaidX strikes again!Coincidently, someone
actually rated my GnG video
and gave it only 1 star. Which isn't
completely weird,
if someone were to somehow take it totally seriously.
But the thing is, every one of my
other videos which have received ratings up until yesterday all had perfect scores. Now, all of a sudden today, a bunch of them have gone from 1 rating of 5 stars to 2 ratings averaged out to 3 1/2 stars.
I just
happened to get 1 new person rate 3/4 of my already rated videos,
spanning different platforms & genres, and in
every single case, they gave the
exact same low score to bring
every one of them down to the
same reduced score.
Can this possibly be a coincidence? I was hoping to
at least receive an essay about steeped I am in faggotry. So I'm actually dissapointed.
But I'm glad that I caught his attention. I'm guessing that he found it by searching Youtube on a daily basis for some of the key words of his that I also used, like "scrolling" and "parallax".
I should be thankful that he doesn't have any friends to fake rate my videos as well. Although, that would only impress me more.
Gallaxy Fraulein Yuna 2: full HuVIDEO segment-
I'm pretty sure that's from the bonus disc that came with the reprint of Yuna 1, not from Yuna 2. I don't have either anymore, but that's what I remember.
You're right. In all the excitement of getting a huge lot of PC Engine stuff, I quickly put up the video without even thinking.