Hmm, good stuff. Overall I think he tried to do a decent job of giving an overview, although he should have had a much deeper understanding of it before attempting such a detailed overview. And there was some bad stuff becuase of that, of like that which was pointed out.
Two things that bother me:
Overall, I understand why we all pit the TG-16 , SNES, and Genesis against one another. But I find articles like this are far better when they don't compare or bring up other systems. Generally becuase you get this system is more fun/better ect. ect. Instead of enjoying each system as it is. And then you get to a point where they don't even try the games. Then these "basic" opinions get spread. It's not just the TG-16 that this happens with, I've seen it done with the other systems to. It's a shame.
Also I hate articles like this that lament over ever detail of processing power to come to the end and say hmmm let me sell this system for $500 bucks. It seems more like a bragging party about how much they know (or don't in most cases) and what a great collection they have. Idk it just turns me off, maybe it doesn't bother others so much.