Meaning you simply suck at Bloodlines. Since you can't beat it, it therefore must be "too difficult," hence it's not a good game. IV is the easiest game in the classic series, hence it's your favorite. Don't you just love IV's boss fights? Just standing in front of them and mashing whip until they die is just fantastic gameplay right?
I mentioned a lot of things wrong with Bloodlines other than its difficulty level, why do you say it's just about that? It isn't.
Also, in a game like this, yes, having limited continues IS a problem. If RoB or SCIV had had limited continues, it would have hurt them as well. I know some 3rd and 4th gen platformers do have limited continues, including some very good ones (Sonic 1 for the Genesis comes to mind), but Bloodlines' design basically means that you have to keep replaying a level again and again until you can get through it with minimal damage, since the passwords save your lives and continues. That's not much fun. And once again, this is the ONLY Castlevania game ever which doesn't have infinite continues. It was not a good change.
But as I said, there are a lot of problems with Bloodlines beyond just the difficulty level. It's got a lot of issues -- the graphics aren't as good, it's shorter, the controls aren't as good, etc., etc. Bloodlines doesn't match up to SCIV or RoB in any category, I don't think. Those are high bars to match, and it doesn't reach them. Apart from Contra: Hard Corps and Rocket Knight Adventures, though, that seems to usually be true in Konami Genesis games; the Genesis Tiny Toon Adventures games aren't nearly as good as the SNES ones, the Genesis TMNT games aren't nearly as good (Tournament Fighters especially!), Genesis Sunset Riders is not even close to the SNES game... but I do think Contra Hard Corps blows away Contra III, so yeah, it's not all bad.
On that note though, it's really too bad that Konami didn't do any run & guns on the TG16/CD... it would have been great to see, and I'm sure the game(s) would have been fantastic. Even the Genesis got a lot more releases from Konami than the TG16, even if the SNES was their clear favorite that gen. Of course the Genesis got no Konami shmups while the TG16 got five pretty good ones, but in overall library size they released something like twice as many Genesis games, I think. And no run & guns on the Turbo.
I have no idea what this means...
It means that all of your statements are super ludicrous :idea:
Saying that both games are fantastic and among the best games in their genre (they are), but SCIV is better is ludicrous? Yeah, no.