Author Topic: Dracula X (PC Engine) Vs Super Castlevania IV (SNES) - which game is better?  (Read 8085 times)


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Rondo and SotN are like one team. You can play through Rondo and just go over to SotN, therefore they're like on big game.

Very funnily only, Rondo runs on a supposed to be "8-bit" machine that came out OVER 3 YEARS pre SNES release, and SotN runs on the commercially strongest 32-bit machine at that time. And it still looks and sounds as if made from one piece.
Just shows how DAMN GOOD Rondo is :idea:
To be fair Konami did revamp the graphics of Rodo at the beginning of SotN.  They even added the weird whip swing from SC IV to Richter.

A Black Falcon

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IV has tons of enemies that CANNOT HIT YOU.  Unless you actually choose to run into their line of fire, they CANNOT HIT YOU.  Bloodlines isn't perfect, but at least it knows that enemy's should have a purpose besides walking back and forth until you decide to push UP+Whip a few times.  How the hell can you ignore the absolute horrid design of IV and then complain that Bloodlines isn't perfect?  SNERD hypocrisy at it's finest.
Ah, I see, you're focusing mostly on your dislike for SCIV because you think it's too easy than anything else.  Well, I disagree, it's an outstanding game regardless.  And are you talking about just the first time through the game, or also the second?

Konami chose to ditch the 8-way whip because it does not work with traditional castlevania stage design.  Hence, the X68000 game uses a 5-way whip giving you amazing precision but still a solid challenge.
I have the Castlevania Chronicles version of that game... it's good, but so, so hard!  At least in Chronicles you can save after every level, though, which avoids the worst of Bloodlines' saving problems.  Also I don't think the levels are quite as long.  Really hard game, though.

For the record, my favorite Castlevania is the X68000 game.

RoB has FAR better boss design than IV, and probably the best in the series. It also nails traditional Castlevania gameplay and has better difficulty. If gameplay trumps all, RoB wins.

But to me, a big part of what makes the Castlevania experience is the atmosphere, and when it comes to this aspect, IV is the peak of the series. It's got a haunting loneliness to it that's downright sophisticated. It's practically a spiritual journey.

RoB, with its bright palette and its bouncy music and its cartoony cutscenes, feels to Castlevania like Parodius feels to R-Type. Don't get me wrong, some parts of it are amazing to look at, but it doesn't hit me in the same place the other games do.
It is true that RoB has a more anime-styled tone, but it's got serious parts as well as silly ones.  Its mix of serious and silly is somewhat unique in the series, but I think it works.  Sure, if you're looking for consistency SCIV is probably better, but RoB isn't far behind -- I think it melds the two elements together well.

On another note, the N64 Castlevania games have some of the best atmospheres of any games in the franchise... they really do a great job setting the scene, with the environments, creepy stuff, adventure elements, etc.

Also, and though I would be totally open to the idea of a female main character, I do think that Castlevania should be a strictly "no bitches" affair. Simon is going after Dracula because Dracula's got to go. Richter, on the other hand, is just trying to get laid.
I'm not sure what you mean by this, but if you're saying anything about not liking the various female characters in Castlevania games, yeah, you're completely wrong.  As for Simon v. Richter, though, Simon has almost no discernible character, really... what is there to say about him?  That his character design is probably cooler looking than Richter's?  That is probably true.  As for motivations, "rescue the girl" vs. "beat the villain"... I do prefer the latter, because "rescue the girl" is a old, should-be-gone sexist storyline, but neither one is all that original.  It's the gameplay that matters the most... and that's where SCIV Simon, with his awesome whip controls, far outpaces more NESlike Richter.  At least there's also Maria with her nice arc-attack birds. which also hit enemies more than the whip but do the same amount of damage per hit, in RoB anyway, too.  With that I like to use the red-birds secondary weapon the best, for coverage against enemies coming from above.

You've not played III?  You've not played III?????? People we now have concrete proof that SNERD = n00b.  This explains the creation of this entire topic.
III isn't nearly as common as the first game, for sure... or even IV on SNES, either.  And Bloodlines is cheaper, I think.  So I can see that, even though III is a great game.


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On another note, the N64 Castlevania games have some of the best atmospheres of any games in the franchise... they really do a great job setting the scene, with the environments, creepy stuff, adventure elements, etc.

OK thats just enuff nonsense :lol:

anyway marias big easy bonus was her shadow attack (know that?) which made the game so incredible easy. but the control of herself was a big improvement in the dracula serie, like 100x more than that  silly 8way whip-dip in CVIV, which does not add any real shit to the game. if the game is only soo good because of the 8-way whip (as so many snerds always try to claim), then the rest of the game must be really crap (which it obeyously also is compared to a so much bigger, nicer and so well designed and executed Drac x RoB).
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Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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SC IV had a more western art direction feel to it.


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I wanted to do a Deep Blue versus match next but I couldn't think of a suitable crap enough opponent.
 :lol: :lol:
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 03:20:24 AM by HardcoreOtaku »


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 Why not take SC IV one more time then? :lol:
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PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^


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I thought maybe Deep Blue Vs Energy, crap enough but really it needs to be another shootie game.

Deep Blue Vs Stamp Collecting


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Energy is awesome so it doesn't need a VS against Deep Blue.  Also, Deep Blue to me isn't really bad, just misunderstood.


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Simon has almost no discernible character, really... what is there to say about him?

Clearly you've not seen Simon on the Captain N TV show!

A Black Falcon

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I wanted to do a Deep Blue versus match next but I couldn't think of a suitable crap enough opponent.
 :lol: :lol:
D-Force (SNES)?  It's a vertical shmup, not horizontal, but it's definitely not very good.

On another note, the N64 Castlevania games have some of the best atmospheres of any games in the franchise... they really do a great job setting the scene, with the environments, creepy stuff, adventure elements, etc.

OK thats just enuff nonsense :lol:
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness in particular is a great game.  It's easily the best 3d Castlevania game, and is a pretty good game overall as well.

anyway marias big easy bonus was her shadow attack (know that?) which made the game so incredible easy.
Oh, right, the special moves with fighting game style commands... I've barely ever used those, they don't usually seem needed...

but the control of herself was a big improvement in the dracula serie, like 100x more than that  silly 8way whip-dip in CVIV, which does not add any real shit to the game. if the game is only soo good because of the 8-way whip (as so many snerds always try to claim), then the rest of the game must be really crap (which it obeyously also is compared to a so much bigger, nicer and so well designed and executed Drac x RoB).
Control was a big improvement?  How so?  Do you mean her double jump?  That is pretty cool, yeah... and the distance her roll goes is great too.  Anything beyond that though? 

(But yes, the 8-way whip does add a lot to SCIV.)

SC IV had a more western art direction feel to it.
That is true, yes.


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I wanted to do a Deep Blue versus match next but I couldn't think of a suitable crap enough opponent.
 :lol: :lol:
D-Force (SNES)?  It's a vertical shmup, not horizontal, but it's definitely not very good.

I remember D-Force, I bought it on the SFC when it was released and was absolutely gutted, it's a terrible game.
Buying new games wasn't cheap back then so when you got a crap one it really hurt.


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I can't believe this is even up for discussion. Drac X is one of the top 3 if not the number one best PC Engine game. I probably wouldn't even put Castlevania IV in the top 10 SNES games. And as we all PCE is a million times better than SNES PERIOD. /endthread
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I recently played through several Castlevania games, a holloween tradition, and for the 16 bit games Drac X is best with CV4 in second place. Bloodlines is my least favorite.

Although I agree the 8 directional whip makes 4 too easy, I think using Maria in X makes it too easy as well.


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for the 16 bit games Drac X is best with CV4 in second place. Bloodlines is my least favorite.
Truth, I agree.


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Voted CVIV only because i like how much control i have over simon.While,Dracula-X still has the advantage of length and replay value.For music i do like both very much on that front.By the way i'm not putting down the pce castlevania 'because i voted for the snes one.I still think rondo of blood is one of the best traditional castlevaina out there.

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