Author Topic: Dracula X (PC Engine) Vs Super Castlevania IV (SNES) - which game is better?  (Read 8327 times)


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I just watched the 100th episode of Game Sack and they rank SCIV above Dracula X!!

I still maintain that SCIV is an awesome game, not as good as Dracula X but still awesome.


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I just watched the 100th episode of Game Sack and they rank SCIV above Dracula X!!

I still maintain that SCIV is an awesome game, not as good as Dracula X but still awesome.

What a bizarre list...


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At least Dracula X is in there and it's not a complete SNES and Genny circle jerk.
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Drac x is the better game, but I believe with a top 10 list, IV was ranked higher because it appeals to a broader audience. More people owned the SNES, and played IV.

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« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 10:18:21 AM by toymachine78 »


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One that left me scratching my head was Road Rash.... Really!?... out of all the great games for those 3 consoles, how does road rash make the cut? I wouldn't expect to even see that on a top 25 lol

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It's more their favorite five + five games, not a list based on technical feats, sales numbers, etc.
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Gotta go with Rondo here.     


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It's more their favorite five + five games, not a list based on technical feats, sales numbers, etc.

Which they both stressed before the video started..  :)


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rondo alone is better than anything released on genny and snes together. period.
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I just watched the 100th episode of Game Sack and they rank SCIV above Dracula X!!

I still maintain that SCIV is an awesome game, not as good as Dracula X but still awesome.

What a bizarre list..

I thought it was a pretty good list, I thought particularly Dave's top 5 games were good choices.


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Some of you have way too much pent up angst over someone else's opinions (and opinions clearly identified as such). A lot of what we like has a great deal to do with timing. When did we discover a game? What was going on in our lives when we discovered it? This isn't about quality, necessarily, but about personal enjoyment and nostalgia. You can't argue that. It just is.
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Some of you have way too much pent up angst over someone else's opinions (and opinions clearly identified as such). A lot of what we like has a great deal to do with timing. When did we discover a game? What was going on in our lives when we discovered it? This isn't about quality, necessarily, but about personal enjoyment and nostalgia. You can't argue that. It just is.

What are you thinking, trying to bring logic and rational thought into this discussion?


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It's more their favorite five + five games, not a list based on technical feats, sales numbers, etc.

Which they both stressed before the video started..  :)

Yup. Just enjoy the video for what it is; a nostalgic look back at each persons 5 favorite 16-bit games.


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And DO NOT comment about it in a discussion forum, else you'll be branded a half-crazed a$$hole.
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