It seems to me that every 6-9 months this sort of thing just runs crazy through the various threads across these forums.
Usually it does involve someone new getting into it with someone who has been around for awhile.
Also, and this is probably more of a side note, but ARK is usually involved. That is in no small part because he is very active here. But, he is probably the most difficult person to understand completely. But, from personal experience and from just what I have seen around here, he almost always is coming from a place of genuine concern. Especially when it comes to game development issues. His verbiage is sometimes a source of conflict but people really need to give it time. ALSO, he is generally a person who sniffs out BS when he sees it and doesn't just sweep it under the rug, I respect that
Also, as the only person across ALL of these threads who has released more ACTUAL PCE titles than ANYONE else here, I think that his opinion on types of programs that work better should be taken as some rock solid advice.
My comment about MS Paint is true. The graphic work I did with Mysterious Song, Pyramid Plunder, and Jungle Bros. (along with others I have been working on) have ALL been done in MS Paint. Proving that it technically doesn't matter WHAT paint program you use. But, if I were to think about getting a better program, it would be one that supports the files natively. Since I don't know which ones do, it would be nice to have someone looking over my shoulder telling me, "Hey dude, that program works but, this one supports the type of file you will be using and will make things easier in the long run.".... and that seems to me is all that was said.
Either way, it really is whatever as it will pass and siskan I would just say to you that in general if you give it time, you will see that most of what happens here is less harsh that it can first seem. It does take a measure of skin thickness but considering, as far as I know we are mostly adults here.... even if we don't always act like it. But, if this place isn't your thing, that's OK too
(maybe im wrong though..... Im sure someone can tell me I am hehe)