I think that a "which do you prefer/enjoy more?" is a better topic than the argument baiting "which is better".
Indeed. It shift things away from trying to "prove" that an argument is universally true (which is impossible), and allows us to do what we do best: persuade each other
Off topic: Why in the hell is this not a Zelda VS Neutopia thread?
In this vein, perhaps a Zelda 2 vs Ys 3 comparison thread would be in order?
It remains lamentable, of course.
Ys III -- too short and easy. needs more finely-tuned platforming. is charming, though.
Zelda 2 -- challenging, needs its platforming to be refined as well. it scares away folks, thereby ensuring that a devoted, tiny cult develops around it. I am in the cult, but I won't proselytize.
I wish Zelda 2 and Ys III were revisited, back in early 90's, with tweaks and improvements to their basic mechanics, structure, etc. Great potential that needed at least another iteration, IMHO.
I SHOULD WARN YOU THAT I WAS SEVERELY DISAPPOINTED WITH YS III back when it was released because I wanted to get my money's worth and it was too short and easy. Decent game? Sure. Sufficient to satisfy long-suffering TG-CD owners? Hell no. IN THE LAST FEW YEARS, of course, I've learned that I need to appreciate games for what they are, and not penalize them for the unfortunate conditions that existed when they were originally released.