Well, the PS4 has finally been released. Who's got it? What are your thoughts?
Mine came from Amazon yesterday and I'm really enjoying it so far. The games I got were Killzone, Knack, and Assassin's Creed 4. I also downloaded Resogun, Contrast, Warframe, Blacklight, DC Universe, and Flower. Sounds like a lot, but the only games I paid for were Killzone and Knack (Target had B2G1).
The system itself is sleek and sexy; way better than that f*ckin' George-Foreman-Grill-PS3 shit. The user interface is really slick and fast. I love how quickly everything moves and how it's laid out.
So far, I've played Knack, Killzone, and Resogun. I bought Knack to play with my 6 year-old son and in that context it's a great game. If you've played Skylanders, think of it as Skylanders without the toys. Killzone looks absolutely gorgeous and plays well, but so far I'm not a fan of its "where-the-f*ck-do-I-go?" level design. Granted, I've only played the first couple missions, but that freakin' dam level was shit as far as level design goes. I accidentally stumbled upon my objective points after wandering around for ages. Very frustrating.
Resogun is f*cking great. It delivers on the hype in a big bad way. So much fun...
There you go. What say you?
EDIT: Shit! Wrong forum! I would ask a mod to move this, but...