vestcoat says:
BT, did you ever try tracking down that Care4data company that made the Sapphire bootlegs to see where those discs were made?
Not directly. Here is the deal though... The Sapphire boots were made about the same time that Implode was made (2001/2002), between then and 2004, the Glass Mastering software that is used in 99.9% of all CD reproduction facilities was upgraded, and that upgrade prevents the PCE format from being made (it actually converts the disc to a true Yellow Book CD).
So, why not use an older version of the softwares? Because they are time licensed (at roughly $20K/year). It was only when I was going through the MB fiasco that I learned that when Implode was pressed, the company I used had to call the Mastering Software folks to get it to work.
The company that I used for MB has contacts in europe and Asia, and after they could not get the proper master made, they spent 3 months searching the world over to find anyone who could, and that turned up nothing.
Does this mean that there will never be another PCE pressed CD again? Not necessarily, but it does mean that it is unlikely, unless the mastering companies re-add the ability to make intentionally off-spec CDs.