I don't understand the need to hoard games you say you have neither the time nor desire to play. Truthfully my purchasing habits are probably not terribly different from yours and I work about 50 hours a week, so I get where you're coming from when you say you'd rather spend what time you have playing good games. That all makes sense.
The part I don't get is where you buy Deep Blue and let it rot on a shelf. That's hoarding, and it is a disease that has turned this hobby into a checklist game for old men with too much money instead of a way to spend leisure time. But it is your money and I can't stop you. Actually I don't care that you do this as an individual, but this paradigm of how to engage old game collections has become the standard and it is upsetting for those of us who just want to play. When game collecting becomes about acquisition rather than playing, something is terribly wrong.
At least you aren't one of those sealed games people, so good on you for that much I guess.
Wow, that escalated quickly. I have to admit, I've never been called a hoarder before and I'm not real sure how to respond to it. I guess I should be offended and see a doctor for my "disease" before it gets any worse! However, I do take offense to the accusation that I have neither the time NOR DESIRE to play many of the games I buy. Nowhere did I say that I buy games just to have them and that is very far from the truth. I play everything that enters my collection as I get it and usually end up going back at some point, though that's not an absolute. I mean, really, how many times does someone need to play Pepsiman or Superman N64 to know how bad they are?
But, let's analyze this a bit. Say I want to see if Deep Blue really is as bad as everybody says. Should I pirate it and play it on a flash cart? Personally, I'm against that and would rather spend the few dollars to buy the game and try it legitimately. I'm not going to say that the people that would d/load the ROM and try it that way are wrong, it's just not what I would do. Could I sell it once I'm done? Sure. But I don't need to. Maybe when I have more time, I'll come back around to it. Maybe not, but it doesn't make sense to me to buy something, try it, and then sell it again immediately. Personal preference, but it is how I have operated for a long time and it has served me very well to date.
Well you can't play all your games all the time, that's totally understandable. I too would love to own every pce shooter (or every pce game) and yeah there are lots of games that once you play through there's really not much desire to go back too. Heavy Unit, Legion, come on who really plays those games more than once. I don't think I'm denying anyone the chance to play those games as they are readily available online for sale to anyone who wants to get them.
Ah and here is a lot of wisdom. A person can only really play 1 game at a time, so why bother owning more than 1? Now I think everybody will agree that this is a ridiculous argument and nobody is going to buy a single game, play it, and sell it before buying another one. But as Punkic says, it's not like I'm keeping these games from anybody else. I'm buying a single copy out of, in most cases, tens of thousands to play and collect. If I were one of the guys buying up every copy of some particular game, you'd have a completely legit reason to be upset. But I'm not and I have less than zero interest in doing so.
I can only think of a very small handful of games where owning a single copy makes any sort of dent in the available stock, but maybe I'm mistaken. Is there something you are thinking of that would fit this case? Did my theoretical copy of Deep Blue prevent you from buying your own? How many copies would need to be purchased before you are truly denied a chance to own one? I suspect the number is high enough that it will never come to pass and honestly, could never actually happen based on the way a free market works.
Sorry you seem so upset about this, but I don't think you have any reason to be. Everybody collects for themselves and everybody does it the way that makes them happy, or at least works for their situation. That's the great thing about collecting games, there are so many different ways to do it and none of them are any more right or wrong than any other. You travel your path, I travel mine, and every other collector travels theirs. Perhaps we have some common interests and can help each other by sharing information or recommendations, or perhaps someone just gets upset and offends someone else. I've seen it both ways, but at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter how it goes down. Everybody is going to acquire games the way that they want to and do with them what they please. It's a hobby and it should be for fun, nothing more.