Ok, this may not be exciting, but I've been working on stuff and was curious about what other folks thought...
(1) Aero Blasters vs AeroBlasters vs Aeroblasters
(2) Shape Shifter vs ShapeShifter vs Shapeshifter
(3) Dead Moon vs DeadMoon vs Deadmoon
(4) Cyber Core vs CyberCore vs Cybercore
(5) Tale Spin vs TaleSpin vs Talespin (Disney helps us here, ha!)
(6) Sim Earth vs SimEarth vs Simeart
(7) Terra Forming vs
TerraForming vs Terraforming (look at fine print on bottom of page; SimEarth is there, too)
Moto Roader vs MotoRoader vs Motoroader
(9) ... What can you come up with? I know I forgot a bunch.
Usually I refer to title screens, and/or cover art, for clarification, but there are often inconsistencies (NA vs JP cover art for Shape Shifter, for example).
Back in the day, NA manuals/magazines were notoriously erroneous, so they aren't the definitive source, sadly.
This problem (inconsistencies) continues with us into the modern internetz (sites scrape info from other sites).
Dracula X: Rondo of Blood (what's the best, most precise way to refer to this damn game?)
Throw an Akumajou in there.