Folks, you deserve an update. If you're wondering why these aren't getting sent out en masse yet, the reason is because they aren't working as expected. chop5 has graciously been looking at them and trying to determine what exactly the root cause(s) are, but it seems that it's a mix of how they were produced (my fault, not the board manufacturers), and some poor assumptions on my part about how much pressure the HuCard slot exerts on the pins (also my fault).
We've been coming up with ideas on how to make this run of them work (as I ordered over 150 of them... would be nice to get some use out of them) but so far, no dice. I do have at least one more trick up my sleeve, but I am not holding out loads of hope at the moment.
I am sure that these can be made to work to some degree, but if they are even flaky, I don't really feel comfortable selling them to anyone.
At this point, I've decided to chalk this up as a learning experience, and while there is still hope that these can be made to work reliably, I am just letting you know the score so you can make an informed decision about them.
I've received so much positive feedback that I am seriously considering redesigning them to remove the flaws we've found so far, but before I go that route, I'm interested in seeing at least one of these work by manually modifying it, to ensure that the idea itself is a sound one.
If we can get these working but they're somewhat touchy, I'll sell them off at a lower price, just to recoup some of the cost, and the rest I'll just take as a loss. I'll keep you all posted.