For me, I was sold by television commercials and the kiosk set up at Toys 'R Us - Last boss of Legendary Axe and Valis II impressed me a lot at the time. I got a TG-16 with Alien Crush (and included KC) of course for christmas the year it came out (89 or 90?) and 3 years later I would ogle over that special issue of Turboforce or whatever it was that was basically a huge brochure for the Turbo Duo. I saved up my money all summer mowing lawns, and my Sister and Bro in law who knew I wanted it badly (they were 10 years older and didn't know about video games really) went out and bought it for me while I was in school. Of course, they had accidentally bought me the FEKA CD which the guy at EB told them was probably what I wanted. Of course they ran me back out there later for an exchange and to this day the Duo is still my favorite system!
I love Sega too, BTW. Even have quite a few Sega CD titles in my collection!