I picked up Doctor Snuggles from the UK. It's a 4 disc box set with interviews and commentaries. If you look around you might find a torrent of it. It's most likely mine as I searched everywhere for these episodes before finally breaking down and buying a hard copy of all of them. The format I have is PAL which is why I converted them all to digital. Maybe the copy you have originated from me!
Jeremy the bear! A classic! I remember that one, it came on right after/before "Fables Of The Green Forest" which is another series I'd purchase in a heartbeat if I could only find it.
Last Unicorn you can pick up for a tenner at your local Future Shop on Blu-ray. I still think it's the best thing Jeff Bridges ever did. It is dark for a cartoon. I watched in the theatre back when I was 12 or 13 and I remember it making an impact. Not because it was scary, just because it was the first cartoon I had ever seen to illicit fear in me. Until Last Unicorn, I didn't know cartoons could be anything but funny or fun to watch. I'll wait on this one to show to my kids. They don't need to see a harpy eating Mommy Fortuna (Angela Lansbury) alive while she screams to death. I watched it with my wife the other week. After it was done she just looked at me and said "I don't know you at all". We've been married 5 years.
*Fifty renames this thread to "Sparky and Fifty relive TVO Cartoons"*